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"i don't understand this." minho said, the guy chanhee had to tutor. chanhee really wasn't in the 'tutoring' mood and was getting frustrated.

minho kept on making countless mistakes and he wanted nothing more than to just go to his room and binge watch shows. "it's simple. you have to multiply 9 by 5 to get the answer."

minho still seemed puzzled. chanhee tried to stay as calm and collected as he could but minho was making it extremely hard for him.

chanhee sighed, irritated. "do you not know how to multiply 9 by 5?" inquired chanhee and minho simply shrugged, not seeming at all immersed in the tutoring as he constantly looked over at his phone.

chanhee closed the text book shut with force, a slight scowl on his face. "look, if you're not going to pay attention then find someone else to tutor you. i'm not gonna waste my time on you, sorry."

minho slightly scoffed. "fine by me. it was hella boring anyways, thanks for ending my misery." minho concluded as he stuffed his bag with his stuff and left chanhees house without another word.

chanhee ran a frustrated hand through his hair. he was extra irritated today and he didn't really know why. he initially pinpointed all of his negative feelings onto sunwoo but he knew that wasn't the right thing to do. no matter how much sunwoo annoyed him, sunwoo wasn't the cause of all of his problems.

chanhee reached in his bag, grabbed his laptop, opened it, and checked his emails. he noticed he got an email from the school and opened it with caution, not knowing what the email was about. he clicked the email was from the principal.

"hello mr. choi. i was checking the school system and i noticed that there are a few students who still haven't returned the books they borrowed back to the library. i'll give you the list of names, it's not very long so don't fret.

jung wooyoung
bae jinyoung
seo changbin
kim sunwoo

please get those books back to the library as soon as possible. it will help tremendously if you personally ask for the books back. thanks for the help, have a great rest of your day.

chanhee rubbed his eyes, hoping he didn't misread anything in the email. it's like he can't escape sunwoo no matter how hard he tried. sunwoos name was there in the list of students who  haven't returned books back.

chanhee was wondering to himself, 'he actually reads books?' he thought sunwoo would be too cool for books. well, sunwoo didn't actually say that, but it sounded like something he would probably say.

chanhee was already dreading going to the library but now he actually had to interact with sunwoo? he simply could not do it and much preferred not to do it.

chanhee whipped out his phone and texted kevin, knowing that he's kinda close to sunwoo. "hey uh could you please ask sunwoo to return his book back to the library?"

and after a few seconds of waiting, he received a message back, not a message he particularly wanted to see, however. "seriously? are you that desperate to avoid him? c'mon, a minute-long conversation with him won't hurt you!"

chanhee groaned, throwing his phone down on the kitchen table with a loud thud. he didn't really care if it cracked, he had a glass screen protector anyway.

he stood up from the dining room chair and walked up the stairs to his room, the time already reading 8 pm. the time went by way too fast for his liking and he wishing time would just freeze.

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