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choi chanhee roamed the halls, searching for a certain room. chanhee finally found the room he was searching for and turned the door knob, his best friend kevin moon trailing close behind the said boy.

"ah chanhee, just the student i wanted to see. please, take a seat." announced the school's principal, mr.yang, with a welcoming smile on his face. the pink-haired male nodded with a smile and took a seat in front of the principal's desk.

"would it be alright if i joined chanhee?" kevin asked and the principal simply gestured with his hands for kevin to take a seat and he smiled as a 'thank you'.

"thanks for agreeing to see me. i wasn't sure if you'd have time to talk with me." chanhee blurted out, breaking the awkward silence that surrounded the room.

"oh it was no problem at all, really." mr. yang began. "now for the extra credit you'd like to receive, there is only one job i can give you that is still available. if your up for it, i can give you all the details needed." mr. yang finished, flipping through some papers on his desk.

"could i land a duty for some extra credit too?" inquired kevin with a perky smile and raised brows. mr. yang just tsked, fixing his glasses so it sat snug on the bridge of his nose. "moon.. did you not hear me when i said that there is only one duty available for extra credit? besides, you have enough credits for you to pass this year. surprisingly."

kevin blinked, the principal's words hitting him like a brick. "w-what? what's that supposed to mean?" kevin exasperated, his pride being crushed into millions of pieces.

chanhee gave kevin the side-eye and mouthed kevin to shut it. even though kevin wanted to protest with both chanhee and the principal, he kept quiet as he was already embarrassed.

"a-anyways... what's the job that's available? i'll do it, whatever it is." chanhee chirped, being all too excited. "it's quite the easy task really. all you have to do is go to the school's library and organize the books and make sure every student has returned his or her book back to the library."

chanhee sighed in relief, thanking the gods that it wasn't some job that acquired much strength or energy what so ever.

"wait-- how come this is the only job left? i'm surprised no one had claimed it yet." chanhee asked puzzled. mr. yang coughed and smiled; "the students have actually wanted this duty, yes. but once they heard that it takes place during their lunch break every day, they all backed out." mr. yang explained and kevin stifled a laugh.

lunch break was something chanhee looked forward to everyday. him being away from all the annoying students in his class and his overall free time to do anything he wanted as long as it was on the school's premises.

the pink haired male sighed, contemplating whether or not to take the job. he needed that credit and he would do anything to get it, so he forced himself to agree.

"i'll do it."

mr. yang clapped his hands in joy, finally getting that duty off his hands and handed off to some needy student. "wonderful! if you'd like, you can start today or even tomorrow. whatever you'd like to do."

chanhee pondered for a while before answering. "i can start today. it would give me a chance to study in peace." he said smiling turning to a somber-looking kevin.

"are you sure i can't get any extra credit? i'll do anything. well maybe not anything, but anything in my willpower." kevin pleaded, taking this chance to possibly butter up the principal.

mr. yang sighed, his patience for the black haired male quickly depleting. "for the last time kevin. no, you may not and cannot get a job for extra credit. if you'd like, you can clean the gym's bathrooms. if that sounds appealing to you, moon."

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