Chapter One || Firelit Monologue

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"Hey now, don't go fallin' asleep on me! There's still business to attend to."

Y/N's eyelids flew open before he could doze off. The chair he was strapped to creaked softly as he sat upright, his weary gaze struggling to focus on Heisenberg, who was lounging in an arm chair across the room from him. "Just tell me what you want.." His words slurred together.

Heisenberg let out a soft chuckle. He flicked a bit of ash from his cigar, stuck it in his mouth to take a puff, then blew out a cloud of smoke into the room. "I want Miranda's head on a stick. But you can't give me that, can you?" He chuckled again as he leaned back in his chair. "Alright, alright. I'll be serious. I noticed the Lycans were hunting something, so I decided to check it out. You certainly caused a commotion."

"That still doesn't answer my question." Y/N huffed, hunching forward with his gaze dead-set on Heisenberg's dark circular glasses.

"If I'm being honest," Heisenberg took another puff from his cigar. "I was going to let the Lycans eat you. But then you showed promise! Going for the throat was a good choice." He smiled crookedly, the light from the fireplace casting an eerie glow across his face.

Y/N shifted nervously in his chair. "Listen, I don't want anything to do with you. I just want to return to the village."

Heisenberg's smile faltered for a brief second, but he managed to maintain it as he rose from his chair. He tossed his cigar into the fire without breaking eye contact. "I save your life and don't even get a thank you? Your mother must've never taught you manners." With the flick of his index finger, a kitchen knife flew out of the darkness towards Y/N, the tip of it halting inches from his throat.

Y/N swallowed thickly, his gaze glued on the knife. He didn't dare move his head out of fear that the iron lord would plunge it into his flesh. Heisenberg's ability to effortlessly manipulate metal was truly terrifying, especially if you were on the receiving end.

"Then again, neither did mine. The bitch never had any to begin with." Heisenberg grumbled as he approached, his steps slow and casual. "Now, I'd hate to kill you, Mr..." He gestured with his hand for Y/N to fill the blank.

"Uh... Y/N."

"Ah, Y/N. What a fine name." The knife remained pointed at Y/N's throat, though Heisenberg could change that whenever he wished. "I'm getting off track." He shook his head. "I'd hate to kill you, Mr. Y/N, so if you would be so kind as to cooperate, things will go much smoother. How do you feel about robotic limbs?"

Y/N was dumbfounded. "Robotic what?"

"Well, I suppose I don't have to cut off your arms and legs in order to make adjustments..." Heisenberg mused. He crossed his arms over his chest, seemingly deep in thought.

"I'm not letting you cut anything off of me!" Y/N protested, panic rising in his chest. A yelp of surprise escaped him as Heisenberg suddenly pushed the chair backwards and grabbed it just before it tipped over. With Heisenberg now bent over him, Y/N could get a better look. His features weren't as sharp, they were more rounded and soft despite his sinister appearance. Scars of all shapes and sizes littered his skin, the most noticeable ones being on his lower lip and right cheek. Behind his dark glasses, Y/N could feel his gaze burning a hole into his forehead. If he didn't feel so threatened at the moment, he would've thought this was some sort of romantic gesture.

Why the fuck am I admiring a psychotic freak? Y/N averted his gaze, unaware that he had been blushing.

Heisenberg, of course, noticed it almost right away. He didn't say anything, which was surprising. Perhaps he wasn't expecting that kind of reaction, if intimidation was in fact what he was going for.

There was an awkward period of silence before Heisenberg decided to speak.

"I've changed my mind." He said, pulling the chair forward so it was no longer teetering on two legs. With the wave of his hand, the knife retreated from Y/N's neck and obediently returned to him. Once it was in his grip, he stabbed it into the nearby table and continued without missing a beat. "Instead of turning you into a mess of man and machine, I'm going to figure out another purpose for you. And until that happens, you'll be my prisoner. How's that sound? Do we have a deal?"

Considering his other option was limb detachment and possibly death, the choice was easy to make. That didn't mean he wouldn't regret it, though. "Deal." Y/N reluctantly replied.

"Excellent!" Heisenberg's face lit up with a grin. He stretched his arms and let out an exaggerated yawn. "I think I'm going to call it a night. I'll come back for you in the morning, 'kay? Don't run off anywhere!" He threw his head back in a laugh as he sauntered towards the door.

Y/N struggled against the restraints. "W-Wait! You can't just leave me here!"

"You better hope you can sleep sitting up, or else it's gonna be a long night! Hahaha!" Heisenberg's laughter could still be heard even after he had slammed the door shut.

Y/N stared at the door for a few moments, then cursed under his breath. "Damnit! I knew I should've stayed in the village. I'm such an idiot..." He tested his restraints again, but he knew they wouldn't budge. Groaning loudly out of annoyance, Y/N tilted his head back to stare at the ceiling and found himself picturing Heisenberg's face in his mind. He scowled and shook it away. "Prick..."

After a few minutes had passed, he decided to close his eyes. If he was lucky, exhaustion would drag him towards the sweet release of slumber.

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