Chapter Five || Accept It

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"Were you watching me sleep?!" Y/N questioned, though nothing he said seemed to be getting through to Heisenberg. The lord just casually pushed off the doorframe and sauntered into the room.

"Of course not! I was just checking on you. Making sure everything was alright." Heisenberg flashed a crooked grin. "How's the bed feel? Better than that chair, I'm sure."

Y/N pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. It was too late for this. "Look, I'm not in the mood for company. Why don't you just go do whatever the hell you do, okay? Better yet, go to sleep. You look like you need it."

Heisenberg let out a soft chuckle and his grin faltered for a moment. "Funny. I could say the same thing about you." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Tell me why you're awake."

"You first."

"Oh Y/N, you're so polite." Heisenberg muttered sarcastically. He released a dramatic sigh and lifted the brim of his hat with one finger. "It's simple. There's only one bed in this factory and you're currently occupying it."

"Bullshit. From what I've heard, you aren't someone who cares about their well-being enough to sleep." Y/N responded hotly, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"Do you really believe everything you hear from those village bumpkins?"

"Yes, because I happen to be one of them."

"Oh right, I almost forgot."

Y/N rolled his eyes. "How convenient." He turned back towards the window. Maybe if he ignored Heisenberg, he would eventually go away.

Silence held the air for a few moments.

Then, Heisenberg decided to speak.

"Fine. That was a lie." He said with a huff as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"At least you admitted it."

"Fuck off." Heisenberg growled, his glare burning into Y/N's back. He wanted him to turn around, to face him when he was talking. Not only did it aggravate him, it also made him feel like Y/N truly didn't care. Just like everyone else in his life. "Creating my army takes a lot of time and energy. I can't afford to rest while that bitch Miranda still lives."

Y/N stared at the moon. He then let out a soft sigh and rubbed his eyes. "That isn't healthy. How are you going to stand a chance against her if you refuse to sleep?"

"I don't need sleep. I'm the most powerful lord, and she knows it. I pose a threat to her without even lifting a finger!" Heisenberg argued.

"That's not what I mean." Y/N turned to face Heisenberg, his brow furrowed with worry. "You may be some superhuman mutant with powers, but none of that matters when you can barely function."

Heisenberg recoiled as if he'd been struck and began to tremble. Whether it was out of rage or fear, he didn't know.

Y/N frowned. Part of him was terrified. Heisenberg could easily kill him right now if he wanted to. The other part of him, however, wanted to help. "What? This shouldn't be new to you. You should know how to—" Then it hit him. Everything made a little bit more sense now. "You were never taught how to take care of yourself, were you?"

Heisenberg removed his glasses and turned his head away. "No, I wasn't. Why do you care?" He muttered under his breath. His voice quivered with emotion.

For once, Y/N didn't have an answer. How was he supposed to answer that question if he didn't even know why? He sighed heavily and shrugged his shoulders. "To be honest, I'm not sure. Maybe it's got to do with the fact that I went through something similar. Minus the mutant part, of course."

Heisenberg glanced at Y/N out of the corner of his eye, obviously intrigued.

Y/N pretended not to notice as he pushed his hands into his pockets. Perhaps Heisenberg just wanted someone he could relate to. "My parents divorced when I was young and my father gained custody. He was a decent guy, he just... didn't know how to take care of himself. Or a child, for that matter. I learned a lot of bad habits from him, and I only realized how damaging they were when I was old enough to strike out on my own." He sighed and shook his head. "These people in the village... they taught me how to take care of myself. They didn't even know me at the time. I guess what I'm trying to say is people do care, even in this terrible place."

Heisenberg had been mostly staring at the wall during the entire thing, but Y/N could tell he was listening.

"That's cute." Heisenberg snorted. He rubbed his glasses on the front of his shirt.

Rage began to boil within Y/N. "You know what? I thought that maybe if I tried to help, you would show some sympathy. But no, you're still a fucking asshole!"

"All you did was tell me your life story! What am I supposed to say, thank you?" Heisenberg snapped in response.

"I don't know!" Y/N shouted, throwing his hands up. He stalked towards the window, his shoulders hunched. "Why is this so hard..?"

"What? What's so hard? Go ahead, tell me!" Heisenberg snatched Y/N by the shoulder and whirled him around so they were face to face.

"Get the fuck away from me!" Y/N shoved Heisenberg away with one hand. His eyes began to burn with tears and he tried to blink them away. "I can't say it. Not now. Just..." His voice quivered. "...leave me alone. Please."

Heisenberg stared for a moment, then grumbled something under his breath. He put his glasses back on and turned to leave.

"Wait-" Y/N went to say, but the lord had already left. His face contorted in anger and he slammed his fist against the wall. "Damnit!"

After taking one final look at the moon, he went back over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it. He put his head in his hands and ran his fingers through his hair.

He definitely wouldn't be getting any more sleep that night.

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