Chapter Two || Two Rooms, One Prison

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When Y/N awoke, he saw sunlight filtering through the tattered blinds accompanying each window. While his slumber had been plagued with nightmares, he did manage to get some rest out of it.

His neck ached in protest as he lifted his head. Staying in one position for hours on end definitely wasn't the best for his posture. Y/N blinked sleepily, trying to clear his vision while he got a sense of his surroundings. He was still in the same room, but one thing was noticeably different. The restraints that bound him to the chair were gone. He was free.

Standing up wasn't the best idea. He was immediately overcome by lightheadedness, followed by the brief loss of his vision. Y/N staggered sideways as his legs threatened to give out and grabbed the first thing he could find to steady himself, which happened to be the fireplace mantel. It only took a few seconds for the dizzy spell to pass.

"What the fuck was that..." Y/N mumbled, rubbing his temple with his fingers. The beginnings of a headache lingered in the back of his head.

As he straightened up, his gaze wandered the room, taking in everything he hadn't been able to see the night before. Pushed against the wall to his left was a ragged leather couch that had definitely seen better days. There was an end table on one end of the couch, as well as a larger wooden table that sat just in front of the couch with an old rug underneath it. An armchair, the one Heisenberg had been sitting in, was placed closest to the door with a lamp next to it. The room itself seemed out of place for a factory. Perhaps it was just a living space? Then again, Heisenberg didn't strike Y/N as the type to have nicely decorated rooms taking up space in his factory.

There was another door on the wall closest to him. He tried the doorknob. It was locked. Peering through the keyhole yielded no information other than the fact that the other room was a bedroom, which only created more curiosity. Y/N decided to try the other door, hoping it would provide him with an escape route. The moment it was within arm's length, however, it suddenly flung open and caught Y/N off guard. He stumbled backwards to avoid being hit, nearly tripping over his own feet.

"Trying to escape, are we?" Heisenberg's voice boomed as he entered, the door slamming shut behind him. "I didn't think you had it in you! After all, I have been rather... nice, haven't I?"

Y/N backed up, his widened eyes stared at Heisenberg as the iron lord approached. "S-Stay away from me!" He demanded shakily.

Heisenberg pulled the cigar from his lips and laughed. "You'd be dead if that super sized bitch had found you before I did, so I suggest you be grateful." He shoved Y/N against the back of the arm chair and held him there for a moment. Then he released him, taking a step back. "Put these on." He threw a spare set of clothing at Y/N's chest.

Y/N clutched the clothing against his chest, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "What?"

"I said put 'em on!" Heisenberg snapped in a brief burst of anger. Once it passed, he huffed and shook his head. "Look, I don't want the Lycans smelling the blood on you and swarming my factory. Do you know how much damage those bastards could cause?" He took a puff from his cigar and turned away. "Just put 'em on. I'm gonna burn your other ones."

Y/N stared at the iron lord in disbelief, unsure if this was meant to be a nice gesture or some sort of sick game. He pushed himself off of the armchair and narrowed his eyes. "How about you leave the room first?"

"How about I do this instead?" Heisenberg went over to the other door and produced a key from his pocket. He unlocked the door, then gestured to the room with one hand once it was open.

"Why was it even locked in the first place?"

"None of your damn business, now go in there."

Y/N rolled his eyes. He didn't spare Heisenberg a glance as he passed him and entered the bedroom. The door closed behind him. "Jesus... what is this guy's problem?" He grumbled under his breath.

The bedroom was fairly plain, with just a bed and a nightstand as furniture. The only window in the room was boarded up. Light filtered in through the cracks between the boards. Y/N didn't waste any time looking around, eager to change out of his nasty blood-covered clothes. The new clothes, basically a plain t-shirt and some ragged jeans, were a bit big on him and he wondered where they had come from. They also smelled faintly of gasoline, which was a bit strange, but he didn't complain. When he re-entered the main room, Heisenberg was still there chewing on his cigar.

"I thought I was supposed to be your prisoner." Y/N said, acting somewhat like a smartass. He flinched when Heisenberg snatched the ruined clothing from him.

"You are my prisoner." Heisenberg reaffirmed as he stuffed the clothes into one of the pockets on his trench coat. "That being said, I get to decide what to do with you, so you're staying in this room."

Y/N narrowed his eyes again, sensing something was up. "Why the nice set-up, then? Surely you don't keep all of your prisoners and horrible creations in fancy rooms. If I'm a prisoner, I should be in a cell."

Heisenberg suddenly whirled around, his teeth bared in a sly smile. "That can be arranged." He hissed softly. The entire room practically vibrated under the strain he was putting on its metal components.

Y/N swallowed hard. His big mouth was going to get him killed one of these days. "No, no... this is.. this is fine! Really, I love it!" He quickly backtracked, slapping on a nervous smile.

"Good." Heisenberg replied. The room seemed to let out a sigh of relief as he relaxed his posture. "Maybe if you behave, I'll consider letting you go."

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