first date

24 1 0

"Are we lost?"

when i asked ashton that question a devious smile appeared on his face.

"Ashton we've been driving for an hour. Are we even in California anymore?"

he bursted into laughter.
his laugh was perfect. i could listen to it all day.

"Okay love we're here."

i look around and saw nothing but a field of white daisies.
i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Isnt it beautiful?"

I looked around and took in what i saw.
it was breath taking.

ashton removed his arms from my waist and grabbed my hand

"come with me"

we walked to the center of the field where there was a small daisy-less patch.
ashton set down a picnic basket which i hadnt noticed before.

"ooo a picnic how original"

there was a deafeningly silent pause.
i hope he didnt take it the wrong way.
all the sudden he bursted into laughter.

"you looked so scared oh my god"

i hit him on the arm

"thats not funny!"

"then why am i laughing."

he laughed for a little while longer and then pulled out a picnic blanket and laid it out.

we sat down on it and he opened up the picnic basket. he pulled out water, pizza, and plates.

"wow what a gourmet meal."

i said as he handed me the plate of pizza.

"i am very gifted in the culinary arts."

after we finished eating he laid down on the blanket and i laid down next to him.

he pulled me closer.
i placed my head on his chest.

i never wanted him to let me go.
his arms felt like a safe haven.

i closed my eyes and let the sound of his heartbeat sing me to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2015 ⏰

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