the beginning

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I was visiting LA with my family and I decided to walk over to a music store and look for some old 80's rock music. when I got the I was browsing around and found the 80's section. I was going through it making sure it wasn't one I already had. I found a couple I wanted and I started walk towards the counter and but someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw a tall guy with blondish brown hair and green brown eyes. and I realized it was Ashton Irwin "you dropped your phone." he said flashing me an adorable smile. "oh thanks my parents would of killed me." which was true. "I like your choice in music." he said and I know I totally blushed "oh thanks I love the 80's" "me too I could listen to them all day." I was next in line for the cash register. "Sorry I have to go." I said not trying to sound extremely disappointed. "oh well don't worry I put my number in your phone when I saw you drop it." he giggled "okay well I'll text you later." I say blushing and quietly walking away.

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