Backstabbing Traitor

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"We did it!", Nodded Laci.

"Does it taste good?", Smiled Jake.

"I don't think you want to taste it Jake, it's not spaghetti."Said Laci.

"Oh okay!", He replied.

The potion had worked out! We might just get a good grade on this project! If I can get a stellar grade on this project then I can move on to the fourth witch class!  Today is the day for Sal to rise up a class! We left the classroom and went home for the day. Little did we know that, the no good doer, Cindi Mac was gonna ruin us all.

Cindi walked into the classroom somehow and switched our potion with her failed attempt! She slipped green dye into the red potion and escaped out the class window. No one will notice. Not one soul.

The next day we all walked into class. I had my speech prepared for when I would be rewarded for completing the project with no failed attempts. Laci and Jake walked through the door with great excitement on their faces.

"Hey guys!", I exclaimed.

"Sal!"They both replied.

"Are you ready to rock this project?", I shouted.

"Heck yeah!"Nodded Jake.

"For sure!", Added Laci.

"Let's test it now so we know it works.", I said.

" Sal, there's no need! The potion is green.", Said Jake.

" I think Sal is right, Jake.", Commented Laci.

We tested the potion on Jake to see if it worked, and it didn't! Jake had nausea and ran out of the classroom.

"I don't get it.", I said.

" Me either. It was working the other day.", Said Laci.

"Hmm what if we casted a spell on it to see what's wrong with it.", I suggested.

"Great Idea Sal!"

We casted the spell. We know the spell by heart because we couldn't have passed this class if we didn't learn it. The spell appeared above. It showed us a video, well a magic video? Magic recording? I'm not sure what it was but it showed Cindi Mac switching out her failed project with hers! This is outrageous! She took our A and she took my place as a fourth class witch!

Cindi mac came up to the teacher and presented our potion to the class. We were gonna blow minds but instead we blew Jake's stomach. Cindi must have done a horrible job on her project. It was now our turn to present. What do we do? I have an idea, I think. I'm not sure if it would work but why not give it a try!

"Mrs. Bloodstream! Cindi Mac switched her project with ours!", I yelled.

"That's absurd. Cindi, did you switch projects with Scar, Laci ,and Jake?"

"No! They are framing me! Mrs.Bloodstream I would never lie to you.", pleaded Cindi.

"I've had it! Detention for all of you! Especially you Miss Sally."

I was very confused and kinda proud. Mrs.Bloodstream finally said my name correctly and gave us all detention. Detention. The one thing we will never get back is our lives. Detention will take

us down one by one.

We took our punishment, which was not even ours to fulfill. One by one we went down to the school basement where detention was held. The kids in our school call it the chambers because you get locked in a chamber during your wonderful stay at detention central. Things were about to get interesting from here. Things surely can  get worse. I mean there could be rats. Oh wait there are rats. It could be pitch dark. It is pitch dark. There could be a lady who looks hideous as the detention monitor. We have that too.

Scared Sally and the detention of a lifetimeWhere stories live. Discover now