chapter 2: partner in crime

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"On who?" Olivia feigned oblivion.

"Oh, c'mon, you know who. You think I don't know what those gloves are for?" Mariposa smirked.

"You called them kinky." Olivia deadpanned.

"You're gonna tell me they're not?" Mariposa's eyebrow quirked.

Olivia tried her best not to smile, changing subjects before she dared to giggle.

"Whatever, I'm in."


"I'm driving." Mariposa tossed her keys in her hand and flashed a smile in Olivia's direction.

The girls had opted to skipping the rest of the school day and silently decided their classes were less important than their revenge on a specific curly-haired boy.

"Why can't I drive? I have a nicer car." Olivia complained, catching up to Mariposa, skipping through the high school parking lot.

"The Tesla?" Mariposa scoffed. "Do you want us to be easily identified?"

"Fine. We'll take your... truck." Olivia stopped in her tracks at the sight of Mariposa's worn-down red pickup truck.

"That's it? You must be kidding." Olivia's facial reaction said everything.

"Who you calling it? This is my baby, Leti." Mariposa walked up to the truck- to Leti and proudly pat her hand on the hood.

"Please don't tell me that's its name."

"Her name." Mariposa corrected.

"Fuck this. Let's just go." Olivia, who considered herself over it, dragged her feet to the truck door and opened it, which required a lot of force I must say.

She looked inside to see Mariposa ready in the driver's seat. "Come on, jump in!"

A groan sounded from Olivia as she did as she was instructed, slamming the door closed and crossing her arms over her chest.

"You got the gloves?" Mariposa looked over to Olivia.

"Duh." The girl answered, giving clear confirmation for Mariposa to start the engine, which almost sputtered out of energy before they were able to leave the parking lot.

The car ride was uncomfortably silent, the rattling of Leti's engine serving as the only sound heard.

"Soooo, what's your favorite color?" Mariposa kept her eyes on the road, yet they flicked every now and then to Olivia's stiff figure.

"What does this have to do with anything?" Olivia spat back.

"You know, you were cool for like 5 seconds." Mariposa said, no filter present in her tone.

Olivia huffed as she turned her body to face the window, her eyes angry as they studied the outside terrain.

Mariposa wasn't giving up that easy.

"Look, I'm not trying to be annoying. Trust me, I know what it's like to be annoyed." Her eyebrows raised at the thought of her home life, knowing damn well her siblings did best at annoying the shit out of her. Or at least, they used to.

Mariposa continued. "But you can't blame me for wanting to know more about the person I'm about to commit arson with."

Olivia let out an irritated sigh, feeling slightly defeated as she asked her own question.

"If I answer, will you stop talking?"

"I can't promise that." Mariposa smiled. She broke through. She didn't break very much, but she broke through some and that's enough for her as of now.

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