note from the author <3

387 18 10

oh my actual shit, i have the next chapter semi-written and when i went to look at it in reader's view it says on the bottom "twenty-six pages left" LIKE 😭😭😭 ARE YALL EVEN THAT INVESTED TO WANT TO READ THIS FUCKING NOVEL PLSSSS I NEED TO REEL MY BRAIN IN

i know there's like only a few people read this and even fewer who care but my brain really is just freeloading and i don't even think anybody wants the shit i'm writing

like lemme know if u actually enjoy this enough to read a 6 to 7k word chapter on mariposa's connection to the twilight characters 😭 (OH YEAH THIS IS A SPIN-OFF???)

i'm a mess i'm such a mess, honestly just bear with me y'all like i'm in way over my head here

ps: thanks for reading???😭😭 - also i have more books coming because i don't have the heart to stop myself.. there's one about a criminal and crime novelist being in a relationship and then an imagines book based on songs 😭😭 like there's so much i have to offer but so little brain power to actually commit to it

- miA (who is looking for affordable therapy thankyouverymuch)

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