chapter 4: free period

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"Hey, Livvie."

Olivia jumped, ripping a pink blanket from the edge of her bed and covering herself. She wasn't naked but she wasn't NOT exposed either.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" The girl asked the familiar figure, clinging to the blanket for dear life.

"You don't get to ask that question." Josh said cooly.

"I'm sorry? Are you not the one who ruined any chance of me living a normal life?" Olivia asked, knowing damn well she was right.

"Who is he?" Josh said, standing up from his seat in the corner, moving towards Olivia as she began to back up.

"Back the fuck off." She warned him.

He stopped moving, "Answer my question. Who. Is. He?"

"He?" Olivia was confused. 

"The one who drove you here. The one who, you, apparently chose to have sex with." Josh gestured towards Olivia's figure, dressed in only her undergarments and covered by her pink blanket.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Olivia's still confused, and quite frankly, fed up with the bullshit.

"I'm talking about the fact that you gave it to him and not me. So tell me, who is he?" Josh demanded once again.

"First of all, there is no he. Second, get the fuck out of my room, and third, oh, yeah, get the fuck out of my room." Olivia was on the verge of yelling, and quite honestly, she wouldn't care if her parents were to wake up, if they were even home, that is.

"That's bullshit, and maybe I would leave your room if I had one to go back to." Josh said, eyes holding nothing but spite.

Olivia wasn't confused anymore. She knew what this was really about. It was time for her manipulation tactics to come into play, after all, they have been at rest all day.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Olivia answered, feigning genuinity.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You burned half of my fucking house down." The boy seethed.

"Do you really think I'm the one of us to do something like that when you're the one that used me as a fucking midnight snack?" Olivia spat venomously.

"Whether you did it or not, I ratted you out to the council." He spoke abjectly before glancing back down at Olivia's attire.

"At least you won't die a virgin." Josh spoke his last words before aggressively reopening her window and slipping out of sight.

Olivia's head was completely racked. She brought herself to close her window before finally dropping the blanket and plopping into bed.

What the fuck had she gotten herself into?

Exhaustion had infected every joint of her bones and the bed that so desperately called her name forced her to push aside the new information for tomorrow. It was something she'd have to bring up to Mariposa... if anything she was shocked that Josh believed she would give herself to some random guy... and the fact of the matter is that there is no guy!

Olivia groaned as she pulled her blanket over herself and just slept. No shower, no skincare routine, nothing. Just sleep.


To say Olivia wanted to sing as she woke up this morning was an understatement. She was in no state of mind nor body to be a downer this morning. She jumped out of bed with a smile on her face, despite the events of the late night before.

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