chapter 9: what do we do now?

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☁️: HI, oh my god, it's literally been years. i'm currently sick & dying in bed so i thought hmm what better time than now to spew some bullshit woohoooooo! finally an advancement of some sort in this goddamn story. i'll be posting more soon and NO i'm not lying this time i don't think. this was kinda sorta proofread (not really) & it's more of a set-up for the next few chapters. i hope u enjoy & if ur coming back, i'd like to thank you because it's been FOREVER!!! aaa love u thank you!!


"Out of your jurisdiction?! You aren't the fucking FBI!"

"I'm sorry, Mariposa, but we cannot protect you and your friend on the other side of the river unless your family approves it. It's all in the treaty."

What a load of bullshit. More than anything, Mariposa was sure her family would never go for that considering they've practically shunned her since she'd been bitten.

"Stupid fucking treaty..." She mumbled on as Olivia stood, having heard enough as her hand found Mariposa's. "Well, anyways, we thank you for your time." Olivia rushed out. "And absolutely none of your help." She murmured with the fakest smile she could muster.

After what could be considered one of the most disappointing departures that each of the two experienced, Seth kindly volunteered to escort them off the reservation.

"You sure you don't wanna just ride me?" He asked sincerely.

"I don't think that sounds like what you want it to sound like." Mariposa's nose scrunched.

"Uh- Oh! Oh my God! No, yeah, that's uh- that's my bad." The boy's cheeks flashed a deep shade of red as he'd cleared his throat amidst the awkwardness. "I was just asking if you guys needed... a ride, across the river, of course."

"I think we're good-" "We'd love that!" Olivia cut off the girl with a smile. Mariposa shot the girl a look of loaded questions before Olivia opted to explain herself. "You almost killed yourself last time."

"Alrighty then!" Seth hollered. "Let's get you ladies to the other side."

The girls stood back as the boy morphed into his wolf form, seemingly intrigued with the entire ordeal. Once he was fully transformed, he bent his hind legs in an effort to allow them access to his backside.

Upon mounting the werewolf, he'd gained a generous running start before jumping across the vast expanse that the river raged at the bottom of.

The three said their goodbyes as the two girls followed the trial back. They walked hand-in-hand through the tall trees of the gloomy Forks forest. Fog loomed over them like the confirmation of their situationship that clouded each of their minds.

"I could've done it, ya know." Mariposa joked as she nudged Olivia with her shoulder, starting off with something casual before jumping into what she really wanted to talk about.

"Sure you could've." The girl playfully nudged back.

Mariposa leapt. "I wanted to ask-"

"Me too." Olivia finished, the two stopping their journey amidst the lingering tension.

"If... what you said back there was real?" The girl donned in black was hesitant. "Because if it was just a kind of spur of the moment thing, I get it- I mean, we had just-"

"Mariposa." Olivia cupped the girl's cheeks as the space between them lessened. "It was real."

Mariposa melted into the palm of her freezing hands. "So this is real, then?"

"As far as I know." A mischievous smile etched across the girl's face. "And as far as I want to know."

"God, don't look at me like that." Mariposa shut her eyes as if opening them would prove she was in a dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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