chapter 6: polaroids & problems

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☁️: yes, this is a twilight spin off and no, you don't get to make fun of me for it. the movies were put back on netflix and it was medically impossible to keep myself from watching them. this book was already in the twilight universe but NOW that i have all of the lore at my literal fingertips, i just can't help myself.  there are some things i changed story-wise, which you'll find out sooner or later...

and trust me, ik it's kinda stupid to put so much thought into a wattpad fanfiction, especially considering not many people read it, but i mean... i really enjoy writing this shit and it's one of the only things keeping me from going back on twitter and ruining my mental stability for the thirtieth time in a row. so, to the few who do read it, thank you <3


"You don't wanna talk to me?" Mariposa frowned, clearly not understanding the girl's ulterior motives.

Olivia giggled. "Never mind, it's nothing."

Despite the weak dismissal of the comment, Mariposa's suspicions remained.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower... do you wanna sleep over?" Olivia mentally concluded that if her cheer skirt had pockets she'd have been sticking her hands in them and awkwardly swaying as she spoke.

"Yeah sure! I can... uh, I can take the floor." Mariposa's eyes brightened at the opportunity to not only get out of going home but to be able to spend more time with Olivia.

"That's funny." Olivia laughed. "I'm not letting you sleep on the floor. My bed's big enough for the both of us." She left the girl speechless as she closed the bathroom door with that as her closing statement.

Olivia stood before the mirror. And for the millionth time in these past few months, she was unsure of who she saw in the reflection. Was she finally herself. Or was she still stuck looking in the eyes of a soul she didn't recognize. Then again, that could be said for nearly every version of herself. Before she was turned, she was president of the bible club and wore and French braid every other day to school. She wore blouses, for Christ's sake, was that her? And God knows this stone-cold asshole she'd been playing as for the past few months weren't her either... but if that bible-thumping human sewing machine couldn't be her... then who is?

After all, pre-vampire Olivia would never be making those kinds of jokes with a girl... but once Olivia was turned, she just stopped giving a fuck. It all seemed so stupid now—every lecture her parents gave about the abomination of gay people and how their male neighbors had the 'audacity' to send them a wedding invitation. She never understood why it got them so riled up! The Fresnel's were nice neighbors and they never hurt anybody by being in love... so why did everyone want to hurt them? All she was taught to know was that gay was wrong and she wouldn't be caught dead mimicking any kinds of those actions.

"Ironic." Olivia whispered to herself, noticing the way her bangs framed her face. She smiled at the thought of Mariposa finding them 'pretty.' It was the simplest word, yet the feeling that conjured in her stomach upon hearing it was complex.

It wouldn't hurt her to go a day or two without clipping them back... I mean if one person likes them, who's to say more people won't? But, really, more people don't matter. One is enough for Olivia... and there's only one that truly matters anyway.


Olivia emerged from the bathroom door with an oversized tee and neatly, wet brushed hair. She sported her pink pajama pants with flary ruffles on the bottom.

She was expecting to see Mariposa waiting for her, but instead was met by a sleeping Mariposa instead, seemingly passed out during the mere 15 minutes that Olivia had spent in the shower.

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