Part 2

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Pushing the door from the bathroom, the cordial and warm noise in the bar immediately surrounded him.  The mixture of Jiu Jin and the medicinal effects produced a wonderful dizziness, which he hadn't experienced for a long time.
Jimmy sat at the window waiting for him, and he grinned at him.

This day is a bit long for Noble.  He had just returned from New Jersey and was called by Phillip to take care of a man who was trying to get a slice of their family's profits.
"You have to do this. I don't want to make too much noise." Phillip pulled him to the door and whispered to him.
Noble knew this hapless guy. Perhaps this guy appeared at his or Bianca birthday party many years ago and gave them toy pistols and Barbie dolls.  His honest smile does not match his tall figure.  Noble also remembers his wife and daughter. The girl was about twelve or thirteen years old. She wore a pink tulle skirt at the annual family gathering and ran around the hall like a fairy.
When this guy curled up and shivered under his feet, Noble was completely unable to match him with the person in his mind.
"I was wrong," the man cried and begged for mercy. "Give me another chance and let me talk to Phillip."
The story is very old-fashioned. Some people gambled, lost, borrowed, and continued to gamble. In the end, they had to find some money somewhere.  Noble doesn't like this kind of story, nor does he like to do it himself. He is satisfied with his frightening wrist, but he doesn't like watching people die.  After burning the warehouse, he set off to leave, had a cup of coffee first, and then thought about where and what to do at night.  He flipped through the address book, and there were a few girls who could be dated, but he continued to scroll back, stopped at Jimmy's name, and pressed the dial button.
He speculated that his friend would not answer immediately as usual, but Jimmy was on the other side of the phone, telling him that he was free tonight, and promised to go with him for a drink.

A man stood by the washstand in the bar restroom, smoking a cigarette.  He is a skinny little man who doesn't take drugs himself. He hides the goods in his hat compartment, hides in the toilet cubicle whenever the police come and stuff his hat out of the low vent window.
Originally Noble had no plans to order this, but he had just drunk two small glasses of whiskey that had not been mixed with water. When he was starting to get a fever, the person in front of him reminded him: There is a way for him to have a better life tonight.

He felt that the pace became very light, and he had to hold on to something to keep himself balanced.
The road from the bar to the door is rising, propping him to the ceiling, and if the ceiling doesn't exist, he can float.  But at the moment he was about to leave the ground, his arm was grabbed, so he protested in dissatisfaction, and then found out that it was Jimmy.
"Hey, buddy," Noble smiled at his serious-looking friend, "Don't be so nervous."
Jimmy's hands were around his waist, he took Jimmy's shoulders and asked him to lead him forward. He was willing to take him wherever he was.  But Jimmy put him on the table by his arm, then turned and walked out again.
Noble thought he was probably angry because his delicate face was tight at the moment and his brows were frowning.  But Noble is still very happy. He hasn't touched a pill in two months, and he almost forgot the feeling of drifting. Besides, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing for a person to be angry because he saw him taking drugs.  The boys and girls in his address book are as keen on having fun like him. Unlike Jimmy, sometimes he doesn't know where Jimmy got that serious look and will squeeze uncomfortably when he sees him being rude to others.  Clenched fists, worried about a roadside beggar. He looked like a choir boy. Noble knew that he was attracted to him-no one like this had ever appeared around him.

He stretched out on the seat, closed his eyes, and experienced the separation of body and consciousness, until Jimmy appeared again, took their coats from the back of the seat, and reached out to help him.
A taxi stopped at the door of the bar. Jimmy opened the door, pushed him up, then climbed up by himself and sat beside him.
He hummed happily.  The driver looked back at him and Jimmy then looked back.
"To Williamsburg," Jimmy reported the location of his apartment.

They were in the elevator, and Jimmy still held him with one arm.
He said a lot in the car and hummed happily. Now he was silent. Jimmy was breathing next to him. He felt like he heard Jimmy's heartbeat.
He collapsed on the sofa after entering the house. Jimmy poured him a glass of water from the kitchen, but he didn't drink it. He just watched Jimmy walk around his room in a white shirt.
His friend did not find the switch for the ceiling light but turned on the floor lamp and wall lamp in the corner of the room, then walked up to him and looked at him worriedly.
"I asked Bianca to come over." After thinking for a while, Jimmy said.
Noble shook his head and sat up with his arms on his back.  He didn't want to hear Bianca's name at this moment.  Jimmy was standing in front of him. He didn't want to think about how his sister flirted with him, and he didn't want to guess whether the two of them did other things besides kissing.
Jimmy reached into his jeans pocket for his phone, Noble stood up, grabbed Jimmy's wrist, and raised his other hand to embrace Jimmy's neck.
His friend seemed to be frightened by him again, staring at him at a loss, and then he didn't let the opportunity go and leaned in to kiss Jimmy's lips.  Electricity was born from the contact area, flowing through his spine and every nerve, making him almost tremble.  And his friend who was so surprised that he had forgotten to resist had so soft lips that made him jealous of everyone who had ever kissed him.
When he was stroking down the back of Jimmy's neck, Jimmy pushed him away and backed away.
"Noble," Jimmy's voice was more upset than angry. "It's me, Jimmy, you..."
He sticks to it again and grabs his friend's shoulder, this time with some effort.  He can't tell Jimmy how much he likes to hug him, nor is he going to ask about his relationship with Bianca. His head is blank, only instinct tells him that he doesn't want Jimmy to leave at the moment.
Noble took a few steps back when he was pushed aside for the second time. The carpet under his feet was like a swamp. He couldn't find his centre of gravity, so he could only fall back softly.
The expected dull pain did not come, and Jimmy reached out and grabbed him in time.  But he continued to slide, letting his weight turn backwards, and almost deliberately fell on the carpet with his friend.
His back was painful under the weight of two people.
Jimmy groped hurriedly to prop up his body, but Noble grabbed his waist and pressed him into his arms.
"Noble?" His friend pressed awkwardly on him, his arms clamped and unable to get up.  He did hear Jimmy's heartbeat and felt his body temperature through the thin shirt.  He knew he couldn't keep Jimmy too long with his strength, but he didn't want it to end like this tonight.  Who knows?  If he didn't try, he wouldn't have been such a timid guy.
"Jimmy," he said, feeling his throat dry and burning, "have you done it with a man?"
The person in his arms was visibly stiff, and then he began to break free, the whole process didn't take much effort, because he released Jimmy himself.
"You don't know what you are talking about." His friend got up and answered him.

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