Part 4

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Jimmy stood at the door, still sleepy, looking at him blankly. At seven o'clock in the morning, no one would visit friends at this time and knock on each other's door.
He stared at Jimmy, clenched his fists, and pinched his nails into his palms. The harmless face puzzled him. He has always regarded Jimmy as a friend, but he is not sure what the other person thinks of him at the moment. A stupid rich boy? A surly gang member? An older brother who is too protective of his sister?
"I told you, before you do anything, ask me first." He said slowly, word by word. If Jimmy had understood him in the first place, things wouldn't happen.
"Noble, I don't know what you are talking about."
"Come on, I don't understand why you didn't come to discuss with me first. Someone has seen it and told me," Noble frowned. "You accompany her to the clinic. Now my father and uncle don't know yet because they found this It's my people, but the news will reach their ears soon, do you really think you can hide it?"
"You made a mistake, that's because..."
"Enough," he beckoned impatiently, interrupting Jimmy's explanation, he didn't want to hear excuses being spoken from the man's mouth, "There is nothing to say about what has happened. Give me a few days, this I'll think of a way. Don't meet before you do. Don't go out and pack your luggage. Trust me, you don't know how serious the consequences are."
He has a serious face and is in no mood to scare his friends anymore. Because even if this matter is dealt with by him, it is quite tricky. Phillip and his father have always loved Bianca the most. If they knew that she was not only with an unknown kid, but also secretly went to an abortion doctor, Jimmy would really not be able to live long.
"Noble, it's not like that," Jimmy still insisted on defending. But Noble stepped into the house and walked straight to the window, leaving aside the friend who was talking to him.
"Do you love her?" He glanced back at the pedestrian vehicles going downstairs and asked.
He was a little out of breath.
"If you are still unsure, or feel that this responsibility is too heavy for you, I can understand. But if you love her, don't let her do that kind of thing. I can help you. There is still a chance for this matter, I am old I'll find a way to deal with Dad and Uncle, so don't worry."
"I said," Jimmy replied, "This is a misunderstanding."
"Don't lie to me about this."
He is not accustomed to this kind of dialogue. If he changes to another person, he will only bring a gun, and will not leave any room for arguing.
"I can't tell you who that person is, because I don't know." Jimmy rummaged over his phone on the sofa and handed it to Noble. "You go ask Bianca. She turned to me because she believed me. I am not her. As you think, even if we had something, it would be over long ago."
Noble didn't answer, but stared at Jimmy's eyes. Jimmy didn't dodge, and calmly kept looking at him. He looked for a long time in those light eyes, then lowered his head.
"I will find that bastard." He sat on the sofa and loosened his shirt collar. "If he wants to escape responsibility, I can guarantee that Donghe will be his final destination."
Jimmy sat down beside him, shoulders close to him.
"I'm sorry," he said again, "you know, I'm easily agitated."
"No, I probably have to thank you for not throwing me directly into the East River." Jimmy turned his face to look at him.
He shrugged.
The phone rang in his jacket pocket, he glanced at the screen, connected, and said "no need" to the person on the other end.
"I don't need anything?" Jimmy asked him.
He smiled bitterly and shook his head.
Jimmy doesn't need to know this, he doesn't need to know that he is already planning to send him and Bianca away to avoid the limelight. If the two of them really choose each other, he is even going to help them make up the wedding-he can't let his friends and The younger sister just stayed together unclearly.
He thought about it too much, and Jimmy seemed to have noticed it too, and looked at him with a smile.
"Okay," he suddenly felt a little embarrassed and stood up, "I have to go. I'll go see her and arrange something."
Jimmy told him, "Call me if you need my help."
"I know." Noble nodded. "I'll find you later."
"Hey," Jimmy stopped him in the aisle after he went out, "We have a drink when we have time on the weekend."

Jimmy asked him at 4:30 in the afternoon, and he was there at 4, waiting on the side of the street. The old apartment under refurbishment is piled with discarded furniture, and the doors and windows have been repainted.
"I don't think this is suitable for you." He commented on Jimmy's new job.
His friend was wearing work clothes covered with paint spots, holding a brush, facing the fence and concentrating on completing the last process.
"Don't interrupt me," Jimmy said. "Wait for a few minutes. You can go to the opposite side and buy a cup of coffee."
He went to the opposite side to buy a cup of coffee, sat in his car and looked at Jimmy from a distance-in the evening sun, his friend squinted his eyes and carefully varnished the fence, his armpits and back were soaked with sweat. . The sunlight turned his short hair red and outlined his beautiful body lines: moving arms, waist, and hips wrapped tightly in canvas pants. Noble retracted his gaze, he shouldn't have seen too much.
Ten minutes later, Jimmy crossed the road and opened his car door.
"A job introduced by an old friend," Jimmy explained to him, "I'm fine lately anyway."
"I told you," he thought, "I have a friend in the car business..."
"Does your restaurant need staff?" Jimmy asked suddenly.
Noble hesitated.
There are things he doesn't want Jimmy to get involved, even though he trusts him.
Jimmy knows more or less about the areas of his family business. He doesn't think Jimmy has the ability to protect himself when he is in a gray area-and it's also a sensitive stage recently. His uncle is planning some new businesses and what he needs is Low-key and cautious is not a good time to introduce new people.
But Jimmy was beside him, he saw his cheeks scorched by the sun, smelled the soap on his hands and the paint on his hair. Jimmy looked at him directly, knowing what he was asking for, and he also knew Jimmy's stubborn temper.
He nodded.
"I will ask, you wait for my news."

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