Chapter 13

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Layla's tear-stained cheeks stayed glued to the floor, causing her dark brown hair to fall in front of her, blocking her view from others and others from her. Layla silently walked through the classrooms door, noticing the layout of the room had changed.

Feeling uneasy, Layla stuck to the edge of the room, standing near where her desk would normally be. She took quick note that all the tables had been arranged towards the back of the room while the chairs were placed near the surrounding walls of the room. She noticed how some of the students walked over to the tables to place their food on it, causing Layla to sniffle quietly at what she could no longer do.

Though Layla didn't stare at the food on the tables not as her empty hands moved her bag to the corner of the room, her stomach growling in protest at the delicious smell of the various foods. Layla sat down next to her bag, content in being left to her own miserable self.

She could see out of the corner of her eye, the other students in her class mingling about, grins decorating each of their faces as they talked about the holidays. Layla also noticed the parents standing around each other, talking too low for her to hear.

"Hey bestie," Nikola cheered, appearing out of nowhere. She plopped herself down next to Layla. Layla immediately ran her finger under her eyes to try and get any tear stains away, not wanting to worry her best friend.

"H-hey Nikola" Layla's saddened voice replied.

"Everything ok?" Nikola peered at Layla.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay"

Nikola turned her gaze over towards Layla. Layla watched as Nikola squinted her eyes and tilted her head slightly to the side as if she was observing her. Layla tried to cover her emotions with a smile.

"Would you like a hug?"

Layla looked closer at Nikola and one look on her face showed her that she knew Layla was upset. Layla nodded her head and wrapped her arms around Nikola. Nikola too encased Layla in a hug causing Layla to tighten her hold. She blinked rapidly to try and prevent herself from crying again.

"It's ok to be upset and sad sometimes!" Nikola pulled back.

"Thank you" Layla wiped any fallen tears from her face.

"And who's this beautiful young lady sitting next to you Nikola?" A voice interrupted them from Layla's left. Layla looked up from Nikola to see a middle-aged woman with a small smile on her face.

"Mum! You came!" Nikola bolted into the woman now known as her mum's arms.

"Of course, I came baby! It's your Christmas party I wouldn't want to miss it for the world! And of course, I just had to meet the young lady who my daughter could not stop talking about. I presume your Layla?" The lady crouched down in front of her, holding her hand out for Layla to shake.

Layla looked between the two. Nikola nodded at her, giving Layla the notion that it was okay to take the woman's hand. Layla placed her hand in the lady's hand and shook it, "It is so very nice to meet you, Layla, my name is Sharon"

"I-its nice to meet you" Layla whispered out, bringing her hand back to her chest.

"Is your parents here honey?" Sharon asked, looking around the classroom, to which Layla shook her head.

"That's okay, I'm sure they are going to miss being here. Now, do you both want to sit down?"

"Can you sit down with us mum?"

"only if it's okay with Layla" They both looked towards the young girl who nodded her head, plunking herself down onto the carpeted floor. Layla watched as Nikola grabbed her mums hand, pulling her to sit in between the two girls.

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