Chapter 23

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Mrs Anita Monroe Williams walked out of Layla's hospital room with a new, stubborn purpose in mind.

She found Krystal and Zane standing against the wall of the corridor waiting for her. A moment later a doctor opened up a door welcoming them all into a room further down the hall. Anita followed them, keeping her face impartial, wanting to know what they were going to say. What she would have to fight tooth and nail for. 

Walking behind them into the meeting room she noticed the large wooden desk that was planted in the middle of the room. She sat down opposite of Zane and next to her at the end of the desk was Krystal. The doctors sat down next to Zane. Probably for witness sake or to add in their input regarding Layla's condition.

"Okay." Krystal started, "so Zane, you have been debriefed on Layla's condition, you were also given photos of her room back in the Stone house, so you should all be up to date on what's been happening."

Zane nodded, Krystal continued, "Okay, I presume you are both here because you want to have guardianship over Layla?" Both Zane and Anita nodded their heads at the question.

"Okay here is what the steps would look like in regards to this situation. Layla will be staying in hospital till the end of the week, to makes sure she's on the right path of recovery and won't need to be admitted again. As Zane is the biological father, if you still want to take Layla with you, then you can take her. Mrs Williams if you wish to have custody of Layla then you will need to go to court to petition for her guardianship." Krystal sat forward in her chair, her hands pressed together, "Though I believe we should have Layla's best interest in mind. It's her placement and its her life that's being meddled with here".

Anita could feel Zane's stare on her, the heated gaze from his eyes caused her to glance at him. To which she found him staring directly at her, "Sorry, I didn't get to introduce myself earlier to you, my names Zane."

"It's nice to meet you Zane, I'm Anita."

"If you don't mind me asking Anita, how do you know Layla?" Curiosity seemed to shine in his bright blue eyes, the same eyes he shared with Layla.

"Layla is my student," Mrs Williams sat up straighter in her seat, "she's been a bundle of joy the moment she walked through my doors."

"And you were the person who called CPS?" Zane asked, leaning further onto the table.

"Yes. As soon as I had concrete evidence that something malicious was going on in that home, I rang CPS to get them involved."

Anita's eyes stayed onto Zane's as his too concentrated on hers. She wasn't sure what he was up to. His posture remained stiffened for a second longer until he suddenly broke down into tears.

Anita was not expecting the man in front of her, Layla's father to start crying in front of her. Anita wasn't sure what she should do. 

"I didn't protect her" he cried out, "thank you for being there for her when I haven't. Thank you for caring for her and being there for her when I couldn't be there," he stood in his seat.

He came around the large table and wrapped Anita in a bear hug. Anita patted his back, reassuring him that everything is going to be okay, that everything will be alright.

She reassured him that Layla was now safe, Layla was out of harms way and Layla would never be hurt again.

When he was able to calm down, Anita lead him back to his chair, giving him some tissues that Krystal got from the side of the room.

"I want what's best for Layla, I always have" he sniffled, "I wasn't able to take her in before, but I am able to take her in now. But I don't think that would be the best idea after everything she has been through. Anita, I know you care for her, she sees you as her trusting adult. And I want what's best for her mental health. Plus she's made that bond with you. I am happy to come to some arrangement where you have main custody of her, but I would like to be in some part of her life." Zane explained.

"I want to start slow so she begins to trust me, but over time I want to be able to spend more time with her if that's what she wants. It's her decision, it will always be her decision. I'm not going to take her away and let her be miserable for my own wants and needs."

Anita sat stunned for a moment unsure on how to proceed. "Uh well um yeah of course Zane, you are after all her biological father. Her decisions and her wants will always come first for sure. And if that's something you want to do, I will happily be apart of it. Layla will love you. And when she's older she will understand that everything you have done was for her benefit. Even if it was putting her into the foster system because you were unable to look after her. You did it so that she could have a shot at a good life. It wasn't your fault that she was placed in that house with those people. It will never be your fault Zane".

Zane peered up at her a small smile crossed his lips, the same smile Layla possessed, "thank you Anita, I can see why she adores you so much".

Zane stood up from his seat, leaning over the table between them, he put his hand out. Mrs Williams brought her hand out towards Zane's and shook his calloused and warm hand.


Walking into the hospital room, Anita smiled at Layla's face as it lit up in pure happiness.

"Mrs Williams!" Layla yelled. Though her voice began to tremble as she said " you came back."

"Of course, I can back Layla. I'm not leaving you, ever" Anita sat down on the chair beside her bed and took in Laylas shaking fingers. " I'm going to be with you every step of the way. Okay?" Layla nodded her head, " I want to discuss a couple of things with you, okay?"

Layla nodded her head again at the same time that Krystal and Zane entered the room. Upon seeing them, Layla tensed up, tightening her hold on Anita's hand.

"It's okay," Mrs Williams rubbed small circles on the back of her hand, reassuring her that she was safe. "Krystal, your father and I sat down and had a discussion, okay? You have to stay in hospital for a couple more days until the doctors think you are better. Once they release you, you will be staying with me. Is that something you want?" 

Layla nodded her head as quick as she could, grabbing a hold of Mrs Williams arm.

"While you live with me Layla we are going to be having visits from your father. You don't need to worry about anything, I'm going to be with you anytime he comes, okay?"

Layla nodded her head but Anita could see that she wasn't convinced. Mrs Williams held Laylas hand in a sturdy grip, making sure she wasn't hurting. Krystal stepped forward, giving Layla a smile, "Layla, honey, we also wanted to give you a heads up that a couple of police officers will be coming to ask you some questions regarding your old foster parents. "

"I'll be with you for that okay? because I am going to testify against them too, so the police have to ask me questions too." Mrs Williams added, giving Layla a smile when she looked at her with uncertainty. "You're okay now, you are safe Layla, I'm going to show you what being loved feels like." 

Layla looked into Mrs Williams's eyes and saw something she hadn't seen in a long time, something that caused Layla to cuddle further onto Mrs Williams as she whispered out a "thank you."

And for once in Layla's life, she felt loved. 


Sorry, its taken so long for this chapter to come out, been hectic with uni exams, and being sick. 

Thank you so much for making it this far! Hope you all have been enjoying the book!

Now I've been thinking about a new book to release after I finished this one, so if any of you were sticking around, would you want a book on:

a) the Main character with 2 siblings, who doesn't know she has siblings.

b) the Main character with 1 sibling, involve gang activities

c) the Main character with a daughter, involve gang

d) the Main character with 4 siblings, involves mafia

All will revolve around abuse, but depending on which one you pick it will change whether it is about gangs, mafia, or the main character who had been isolated her entire life.

Also should I change chapter 6? Do you guys think it's too dark for this story?

Words: 1516

Published: 6/7/2022

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