Langa's side

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Even after I personally visited Reki's house and heard his mum say that he was really gone, I still believed that I would arrive at school and Reki would be there saying, ' It was all a big prank,' and I would apologize for breaking our promise. But no matter how long I waited he never came. 

I went back home and went straight into my bed, I hugged the newly made board and just stared into the ceiling. I just felt empty. It reminded me of the time of when my dad died, except this time Reki just moved away. That's it, I thought to myself, Reki is till out there, I am sure that if I keep skating that someday we will meet again threw it.


Langa got all the motivation he needed to carry on skateboarding. He eventually won the tournament and made and realize how fun skateboarding really is. Langa was later crowned as the king of 'S', everyone knew the name snow.

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