PART 4: "Why hesitate if you're not a 'thing'?"

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---Yeo doubts Rain's alibi. When the four have already freshened up, they had some birthday breakfast together. The celebrators are wearing cute birthday hats, while the other four are just wearing regular ones. They all enjoyed the twins' mom's recipe.

Rocky: (bites doughnut) God these doughnuts are really good. I might fly to LA just for these.

Taylor: Oh our mom would be delighted. (chuckles)

Yeo: So. (drinks cold brew) Why were you guys in the same room again?

---The four kids bit their doughnuts at the same time.

Blake: Ooh, (chuckles) someone's not buying the 'ghost story'. (drinks coffee)

---The four looked at each other. And then they all started talking nonsense at the same time. Yeo, who hates noise among all of them, pounds the table.

Yeo: Okay quiet! Can you speak one at a time?

---But they still talked in unison.

Blake: (gestures) Okay, stop, stop, stop!

---They went quiet.

Blake: Okay, now one-at-a-time. Please.

---Nobody talked.

Yeo: Did something happen? Why can't you-

Syd: Rocky got-

---Rocky clinged on his shoulders and covered his mouth. Suddenly...

Rain: (reciting tone) Owen was here last night; Rocky got harassed; Syd beat him up; Rocky got shocked so she asked us to stay the night with her.

---AG covers his face. The rest are shocked. Rocky closed her eyes and let Syd go.

Rain: Sorry, Rock.

Syd: (to Rocky) What's up with you? I was gonna say you saw some strange man by the balcony.

---Yeo looked pissed.

Rocky: Yeo-

Yeo: Is that true?

---The celebrators are all looking at her.

Yeo: Rocky!

Rocky: (startled) Yes! Yes. (looks at the ground)

Yeo: Somebody tell me what exactly happened, please.

---After a few, Rocky told him what happened. And then the three other boys continued. Yeo's really pissed, the other guys too. Until the boys brought out some dollars and started swearing. Yeo is just quiet. Rain collects every swear-dollar they drop. When everybody stayed calm.

Yeo: I don't want to see that guy's face again, Rocky. Ever.

---Rocky nods.

Rocky: I promise. But please just...let this slide? Just let that bastard go. I don't want you causing any trouble because of me. Please?

---Yeo sighs and nods. The next scene was in the police station. Rocky came in rushing with the twins, Blake and Rain. They saw Yeo, AG and Syd sitting in one corner, waiting to be questioned.

Rocky: (worried) What happened to you guys? Are you okay?

---All of them have very red fists and Syd has a cracked cheek. Nobody's talking until they saw the police officer bring in Owen to the interrogation room, filled with bruises on his face too.

Rocky: Yeo! I told you to let this go!

Yeo: Okay, for the record, we did not start this.

PO: Knight, Kane, Marks, follow me.

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