Chapter 13: Idealism

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The rays poking through the thin curtain awoke you as it was directly in your eyes. The sun had irritated you as it hurt to even have them open so you moved. Now, you rubbed your (E/C) eyes and looked around your room. A small mess was scattered on your desk as you had finished the drawing you had made. Cleaning that up- you took a shower and got dressed. The gear that sat at your waist clinked as you walked. You were just in a snack like type of mood so you just got some bread to tear apart.
An empty space. The table that you sat was usually empty in the far corner, but now there were people sitting there. It was the group of young kids that you talked to and made jokes with. You slowly sat down at a spot that was the next seat over from Connie. The greeting you got from them did honestly cheer you up. They smiled and waved- Mikasa gave you a small smile which was good. She never really showed much emotion.. just a tad more than Levi.

"Hey! We honestly enjoyed your presence the other time so we thought we'd like to eat with you from now on. We noticed that you sit alone so why not?" The boy Eren had said. You looked at the bread you had and then at them.

"That's honestly good to hear." You softly spoke to them. You also offered a smile.. simple and sweet. They started to chit-chat amongst each other as you slowly munched and listened into their conversations. You noticed you finished your bread so you stood.

"I'll be going. I'm going to train on my gear." You waved to them.

"Wait- we were going to as well. Let's do it together! Have some fun.. this is really the only day we can chill a little.. this would count as training since were using our gear. Let's go!" Eren mentioned again.

"Yeah! Come on!" Jean had yelled. You looked at them and nodded. They were younger than you by not too much, but a friend is a friend. They looked up to you and you supported them now. They're like your closest friends already.

Now the group moved on. They all walked outside which the superiors had took notice of. Now, they were in front of the forest. The younger cadets talked about a race- racing against you one by one.

"You all really want to race against me?" You asked. You knew one of them could've possibly beat you- you were still learning the ropes a little after a bit of not using the gear for a bit. You asked because you didn't know why they wanted to.

"Mhm! We want to see just how good you are!" Sasha said as she giggled almost devilishly. As a joke of course. The others nodded in agreement.

"Well, okay then. Whoever wants to go first." I said and looked at them all.

"I'll go!" Armin said cheerfully with slightly pink tinted cheeks. He was the kind of cute like you would call a baby. He was precious and had that aura to him, but you knew his intelligence made him serious.
        You gave him a look before looking up at the trees. Sasha gave a three second countdown before Armin shot off his anchors to leave. You waited a few seconds and then left. You knew you'd win so you gave him a few seconds.
        Immediately you could see Armin. His problem was second guessing. He hesitated quite a few times on which branch would make him go faster and farther. So, within a few passes- you caught up to him.

        "You know, don't second guess. Trust your gut." You smiled at him and then quickly disappeared out of his sight. Armin was purely amazed at how skillful you were. He thought you wouldn't be that good at all.
        (Y/N) was now back at the little friend group they had formed as they chatted. A minute passed and Armin showed up- panting. He had a small scratch on his leg, but that was because he second guessed again and a branch grazed his pants.

        "How did you do that?!" Armin yelled. He wasn't mad at all- the shock just wouldn't leave him. You shrugged. The others were now eager to beat you. They were filled with jealously in a competitive way.
Then it was silent and Mikasa was pushed forward. She was silent as she looked at you. She didn't say anything as she just looked at the trees- making sure her scarf was safe around her neck.

"Mikasa is going to beat her. She's almost as fast as Captain!" Jean cheered her on. His crush on her was huge and overwhelming. Mikasa glanced at him which made his heart melt- his eyes basically turning into cartoon hearts for her.
You two got in a stance and just stayed in silence. You had an uneasy feeling towards your component, but you couldn't tell whether or not it was positive or negative. In your mind- it was shrugged off. The sound of clap was the signal to go so the two took off. Immediately you understand what they meant. She was fast and intelligent with her skills. Mikasa still had a fault though- you only noticed due to one of the secrets Levi had taught you when you guys were younger.
You shot an anchor beneath a branch that was below Mikasa. Using the other hook to reach farther than the first. Once the first anchor was let loose- the one attached still got you to sling forward faster and swing around at the end point. It let you swiftly move around and continue going back to the start line without having to spare the two seconds to launch the next one.
As you passed Mikasa- you just happened to get a look at her face. She too was shocked. No one ever really beats her and it was surprising. She actually wasn't really all the competitive as she wanted to ask you too how you did just that. As your feet touched the ground- Mikasa landed behind you. The other cadets were staring at you in awe. They looked up to you so much even though you hadn't talked to them long at all and weren't too close with them.. yet. The friendship was coming.

        "T-That was amazing.. you both.. we could h-hardly even see you two!" Eren shouted. The others nodded eagerly. You chuckled.

        "There's a lot of things everyone can do. You all can do that as well. Just takes practice and some thinking.." (Y/N) said as she patted Armin on the shoulder as he looked a little down. "All of you are smart and have the skills. It make take some longer, but don't beat yourself up. If Corporal fuck-face tries to put you down- don't listen to that negativity."

        The honest shock on their faces made you start to laugh now. The nickname you gave Levi made them feel fear, but soon after they laughed with you about it. It was peaceful being able to feel something different than fear compared to the cold and cruel world. This was something yearned.
        After a few hours outside of sparring and using the gear- it was time for lunch. You all were hungry as you stumbled in. The other cadets were in there eating and chatting amongst each other. One thing you noticed was no more stares. It felt good. Your presence was known, welcome and.. appreciated. That type of welcoming made you feel good.

This was ideal..


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