Mer-Smokescreen x Human!Male! Reader

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I hope you like this, Butterflymed!!!

Love. A tricky subject for Smokescreen. That's all he had wanted. Everytime he swam happily up to the surface, and was so nice and kind. But, everyone that had seen him had looked at him in disgust, called him rude names, and even sometimes pushed him away.

This time, he just had enough and needed to release his emotions. Smokescreen managed to get himself onto a rock, cross his arms and cry into them.

Why did people hate him so much? He cried harder at the thought. 'What am I even useful for anymore?' He looked up, and set his head on his chin. He saw a body, lifeless looking on the shore. This was his chance. But what if it was another of those rude people? Doubt had covered Smokescreen. But, he did the right thing. Still crying, he swam his hardest to get to the sleeping human.

Luckily, the body was close to the shore, so he didn't thave to suffer.

Smokescreen was wowed by the beauty, of this one. He had jet black hair, the perfect nose- not too big, not too small. And, a nice jawline.

"Oh wow...." Smokescreen ran his fingers across the man's jawline. He was moisturized as well.

"I should probably save you..." Smokescreen moved the body closer, but before he saved him, he as to do one thing. He picked up his neck, and his head, and brought his lips to his. The man's lips were really soft. Smokescreen then hugged him. He started to get to work with CPR.

"Come on, please be awake!" He plugged the man's nose, and breathed into his mouth. He did that a few more times, until the man startes to cough.

Smokescreen then held the figure, and cries on him a little bit; he had faith in this one.

"Did.... Did... Did you save my life?" The man managed to stutter.

"Please don't be afraid of me!" Smokescreen sniffles, and then nods.

"Oh my God, you saved my life!!" The man jumped up and down, and even hugged Smokescreen. The man then noticed that he was a mer-former. Those were really rare, and he'd always wanted to be with one. "What's your name? Mine's Y/n."
Y/n sat down on the sand, close to Smokescreen.

"I'm... Smokescreen. Wait... You're not afraid of me? You don't hate me? But.." Smokescreen stuttered, but Y/n interrupted.

"No! I'm not afraid of you! You're absolutely stunning! I hope to get to know you more!" Smokescreen was so happy to hear that, he started to cry again.

"Are you ok? Did I say something mean?! I'm so sorry, Smokescreen!!" Y/n worried a little bit; he never knew what to do when someone was crying.

"No, no. It's just, that, you're so kind to like me, everyone have hated me when I come up to the surface, and you're the only nice human I know.." Smokescreen sniffled and rubbed his eyes.

"Be mine?" They both said in unison, as Y/n took off his shirt, revealing gills on his sides, some on his neck, and some small ones behind his ear.

"Of course," they again, both said in unison. Y/n and Smokescreen swam into the ocean, forgetting about their problems, and lived with each other, got married, and eventually adopted a mer-kid or two... Three? Four?! FIVE?!

How'd you like it? I hope you guys did! I didn't know what to do with the ending. Sorry it's so short! Well, requests are open! BUH BYE MEH CANDIES!!

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