Smokescreen x Reader 🚩Requested 🚩

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Heyo. Soooo this request goes toooooo:
Hope you like it :>

You are sitting on the front steps of your school. Waiting for your mom.... again. Last time she had to pick you up, she didn't even do it. You had to call your friend, Jack's mom to pick you up. You knew Jack, Miko and Rafael pretty well. Though, seeing the looks of their cars, someone else is picking them up. You pick up your phone, flip it open and call your dad.


"Hi dad. I don't think mom is going to pick me up again."

"If she isn't there by 5:30, I'll come and get you okay sweetie?"

"Staying late at work again?"

"Yes, I have to. I'm sorry y/n. I've gotta get back to work. Love you darling."

"Love you too dad." You flipped your phone back and shoved it in your pocket and stood up.

"Why does he have to come and get me so late?! I'm fed up with this shit. Mom always gets drunk somewhere with her bOyFrIeNd, and then Dad has to pick me up and I have to stay at dad's the rest of the week. Why does this happen to me...."  You put your hands on your face and sit back down again.

(Sorry for the language my candies!)

Jack, Miko and Rafael came over.
"Is everything alright, y/n?" Raf said, sitting down next to me and started to runny back.

"Yeah... you don't look alright. Do you want to get a ride with us?" Miko said, putting her hands on my head then resting her head on her hands.

"Miko!" Jack angrily said.

"What, we can't keep a secret for too long, doof!" Miko replied, stading up, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at Jack.

"So y/n. How's school work? Do you need any help with it? I am in pre-algebra." Raf smiles, and pushes his glasses up.
You giggle, your head lifting up.
"You're so sweet. You know that?" You mess up his hair as Miko and Jack are arguing in the backround.

A bulky, green jeep drive up into a parking spot. Jack's motorcycle is already parked. Then a "bumblebee" car you like to call it, pulls up and opens its side door.

"That's our ride. Miko, Jack. Who's y/n riding with? She could ride with me!"
Raf says, excitingly.

"Whatever. Y/n, you're riding with me next time!" Miko runs over to the green jeep, and gets in it. It drive away with heavy metal music.

"Classic Miko, huh." You laugh, stand up and gather your items together.
"C'mon Raf. Let's go to your ride!" You say, enthusiastically.
"Unbelievable." Jack scoffs and goes to his motorcycle and clicks on his helmet and drives off.
"Feisty are we? Rawrr!" You make your hands turn into claws.
Raf laughs, as we both walk over to his ride.
"I'll sit in the back." You say, opening the back door and sitting down, pulling pit your phone to text your dad. Raf sits in the front seat.
"Hey Bumblebee! How are you?"
The car buzzes.
"Raf who are you talking to...."
You lift your head up and notice no one is in the drivers seat.

"Woah, woah, woah wait a minute, let me get out, Raf I can get a ride!" You try to open the car door, but it's locked shut.  "Let me out of here!" You try opening the door again. 

"Y/n. I have to explain something."
You quit struggling, and focas on Raf.

The car started to drive, and follow a highway to a plain desert with a giant desert-y mountain.

"This is Bumblebee. He is my pick up car. Bee, we should let Optimus explain the rest."
The car buzzes back in excitement.

"Also, don't tell ANYONE, about this y/n. You will probably get Smokescreen as your guardian."

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