Dreadwing x Femme!Reader

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hehehe Partly requested by pastelm00n_ she gave me da plot so ye enjoy!

Dreadwing was working on the computer, trying to find another energon cave. Normally, that would be Soundwave's job, but he was out of the Nemisis and somewhat busy.

"Ohhhh, Dreadwing!! What are you doing?" Y/n had quietly walked behind Dreadwing, and tapped his pointy shoulder, which made him jump.

"Y/n! I... Didn't see you there." Dreadwing turned around quickly, and chuckled.

"You never see me... They nickname me, 'The Quiet One,' don't you know that?" Y/n playfully scoffed, and looked at what Dreadwing was doing.

"Y/n... I need your help..." Dreadwing looked at Y/n, while she was working with him, trying to find more energon caves.

"What requires my assistance, fellow Dreadwing?" Y/n focused more on the computer, and her glossa slipped out of her derma, and layed on her lip. Dreadwing loved when she did that. She didn't even know she did it, that's the funny thing.

"I researched some human traditions, and one of them was called, 'dancing' and.... I like one of the cons on the ship, and I figured... I figured if we could practice?" Dreadwing stuttered, a light blue blush appearing on his cheekplates.

"Of course! You'll eventually tell me who you like, right?" She looked at a flustered Dreadwing, and smiled. Y/n was dying to know, especially since there was no other femmes on the ship.

"Eventually, Y/n. Eventually." Dreadwing laughed. He hadnt liked any cons on the ship... He loved one.

A few hours had passed, Dreadwing was getting ready for the practice.

"Y/n, are you ready?" Dreadwing peaked his head out of the room, and saw Knockout and Y/n laughing together. Jealously swarmed through Dreadwing. He stormed out, and went up to Y/n.

"Are you ready?" Dreadwing tried to sound calm.

"Yes, I am! Knockout just told me a funny joke, that's all! See ya, KO!" She wove to the giggling medic and walked with Dreadwing.

"Alright! So, I saw a few guides on how to do this, so you basically just put one servo on the other cybertronian's waist. Like this." She grabbed Dreadwing's servo, and set it on her waist.

Dreadwing blushed, the smallest bit, while Y/n then held his servo, and put her other servo on his shoulder.

"Like this, now, keep that pose; I'm going to turn on the music," Y/n quickly ran over to to one of the computers, and searched up a nice song to dance to.

Dreadwing, still in the pose, waiting patiently for Y/n to come back.

"Ah yes, one of the most traditional romantic songs to dance to." Y/n played Perfect by Ed Sheeran, a famous singer, known by most humans.

Y/n walked back toward Drawing, and held his shoulder, and his other servo.

"And then you just want to move your pedes, like you're walking." Y/n started to slowly move her pedes, and so did Dreadwing. His blush only got heavier.

Since Dreadwing knew about some dancing, he then tried to spin Y/n, who almost ended up falling, but as soon as the song said, 'with you between my arms' Dreadwing caught Y/n.

"Don't EVER do that again!" Y/n laughed jokingly.

"I apologize.." Dreadwing brought up Y/n, and looked at her with sorrowful eyes.

"I was joking with you, Dreadwing! Don't be sad!" Y/n tilted Dreadwing's head up, and tried to make a smile on his face, with her digits.

"Your derma is being stubborn!" Y/n stuck out her glossa, trying to focus.

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