6. How Is He?

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Hey, sorry it took so long to get out, I'm experiencing a bit of writers block right now but I'm the biggest procrastinator you'll ever see too, (I literally skip class and do all the work a day or two before it's due.... Reading fanfics is very distracting in class) so this book is going to update veeeeery slowly and I apologize in advance :( .... I've also been caught on reading fanfics from so many fandoms and I don't think I've ever been more distracted than before I started reading....

I've been trying to see if I can take (copy) some techniques from other authors I read books from (mostly from ao3, most authors there are incredible! Wattpad authors are good in their own right, but there's a lot more variety there) and use them in my stories to add a bit more complexity so the next chapter, or the next plot twist, isn't as straightforward and obvious as it may seem.

Is the picture a good enough apology? Neville being badass right there- I was planning to do another chapter on Harry but couldn't get the ideas flowing so I decided to do it on a few of the very many motherfuckers (feel free to spam hate on them) :D

....I've read too many fanfics to decide whether or not I still like the canon golden trio.... Ehhhh......


They were rushing to get Harry to the infirmary as soon as possible. Up close, they realized just how gaunt and fragile he looked. Everybody looked at the chosen one like he was glass, strong and sturdy, but make one wrong move and he crumbles like a soggy cookie.

Madam Pomfrey was already waiting for them back at the infirmary, potions out and a bed ready. Walking swiftly to the patient, worry was etched on her face as she stared at his current predicament. Hermione and Ron carried their 'best friend' into the room and laid him down on the nearest bed while Madam Pomfrey muttered something under her breath about irresponsible headmasters and unsuitable friends.

The woman ushered everybody out of the room, telling them that "You might be able to visit later depending on Mr. Potter's health. Now go on children."

Ron and Hermione stared at Harry's still body once more before turning and leaving, a few stray tears leaving as they did. Ron slung a pair of comforting arms over her shoulders as she cried into his chest, whispering guilty.

"Did you see his face, Ron? He looked so pale.... Oh Ron we should've done something! I feel absolutely horrible"

"I know, but there isn't anything we can do now, what's done is done. You can't change the past, Hermione, but you can change the future."

Hermione softly let out a dejected giggle, "w-when did you get so wise?" she questioned as she wiped the stray tears from her face.

Her boyfriend's mouth turned upward a little into an awkward grin, but didn't laugh along with her like she expected him to. Concern for Ron filled her heart, right next to the sorrow filled space for Harry. The stayed like that for a few minutes, in complete silence and leaning against each other. Time seemed to pass by so much slower than it used to - when they were with Harry, doing their stupid adventures and joking around like normal best friends would, it broke her heart when she realized just how much she missed her (ex) best friend during his time in azkaban.

Life simply wasn't complete without a shy, incredibly talented, and very dorky, friend teasing you, laughing with you, taking the hit for you, fighting alongside you, standing up for you.... Being the light of your life.

Now looking at what used to be their bright light, he simply looked like a shadow looming over them, reminding them every second of his presence. Forever lingering in their minds, never allowing them to forgive themselves no matter how many times they tried to convince themselves that they were helpless children before. Helpless children who decided to follow the old man that looked like he might've shone brighter than their star for even a second.

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