Chapter 2

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I am writing this at midnight so if the grammar is a little off, please do not be made.

Rin's hands were bruised. Tony picked her up and took her to the Infirmary. Nico, Will, and Percy all followed the avengers to the med bay while Annabeth put their weapons up.

Tony placed the order Rin on the examination table and went to a computer. Nico and Will stood by her side while Percy went and stood by Tony.

"Do you guys have any idea why she passed out?" Bruce asked

"We have a few but we can't tell you," Nico said

"Why would you not tell us," Thor questioned.

"That's our business and not yours." said Annabeth "Will I grabbed the first aid kit."

"Great that means I can Heal Her hands," Will replied

Will opened the first aid kit and grab some lotion It had ambrosia in it. He covers her hands in it and the bruising immediately went away.

"What was in that lotion," Clint asked

" An Exotic plant that I can't remember the name of," Will replied he was clearly lying but no one said anything.

"It looks like none of you have had a doctor's appointment for a while so we will need to give you guys one so we can update your medical files," Bruce said

"Nope, I don't do doctors," Rin said. She was now up.

"If we have to, we will use force," Nat said

"Fine, I don't want you to get hurt, " Rin said

"Nico How about you go first," said Will

"Fine," replied Nico

Nico hoped up on the examination table.

"So first we are going to check your reflexes," Bruce said. Nat threw a pill bottle at Nico. Nico didn't even look towards her when he caught it. "Well, your reflexes are good how about your blood pressure." He checked it. It was good "Now I need to check your threat rate so would you please lift your shirt." Nico was hesitant but he did. He had a few scars. No one said anything. Bruce checked his heart rate "You are all good Who's next?"

"I'll go," Will said

"Ok let me update Nico's medical files really quick," Bruce said He went to the computer. After a few minutes, he said "Frist I'll check your reflexes than your blood pressure." He checks his reflexes. They were good. His blood pressure was a little low. "Your blood pressure is a little low do you have any idea why."

"Yes, it has always been a little low ever since I was a kid," Will replied

"Ok well, now I need to check your heart rate. Can you lift your shirt?" Will lifted his shirt. He had to scare but not as bad as Nico. "Ok, your heart rate is good." He walked to his computer "Who is next."

Percy and Rin both looked at Annabeth. Their faces begged her to go next. "I'll go," Annabeth said

"Ok, first I need to check your." Bruce was interrupted

"Reflexes and blood pressure I know," Annabeth said

"Ok" Bruce checks her reflexes. They were good. Then he checked her Blood pressure. It was good too. "Now I need to check your heart rate." Bruce looked uncomfortable

"Don't worry I have a crop top underneath this jacket," Annabeth said Annabeth unzipped the jacket she was wearing a lace shirt with a sports bra underneath.

She was covered in scars. The avengers let out a gasp. Bruce checks out her threat rate it was healthy. " Your great rate is good, but I want to talkabout these scars. Where did they come from?" Bruce asked

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