Chapter 6

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This chapter is a little short. I am going to start updating this start once to twice a month. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

It would take three hours to land on the coast of Africa. 

A large cloud developed in front of Rin. It was an IM. It was Hermes.

"Hermes what do you want?" Rin asked

"Chiron dropped off your kids at Mount Olympus. So far they have been here for thirty minutes and they have sat on Zeus' throne, called Aphrodite a slut, said Hades is nice and has wrecked the tone room." Hermes said

"Those are my twins," Rin said

"Yes, also we are going to teach them how to control their powers since their powers are going by the day," Hermes said


"Yes, Luke has his dad's powers I figured out and Bianca has your powers," Hermes replied

"Their powers should stop growing in a month," Rin said

"Yea because their fifth birthday is in a month.  Oh, happy late twenty-four birthday."

"Thank you," Rin replied. Rin's face saddens.

"Hey, Luke would be proud of you and his kids," Hermes said. Rin's face brightened a little.

Hermes ended the IM. "What was that?" Tony asked

"That was an Iris Message. It how gods and Demigods contact each other." Percy said

"Who were you on the phone with," Clint asked

"My father-in-law. Hermes" Rin replied.  

"Your husband's father is Hermes?" Clint asked

"Yes, Hermes walked me down the aisle at mine and luke's wedding. I was a lot closer to him than Luke was." Rin said

"Why was that?" Nat asked

"Well gods are not allowed to see their mortal children but since I am technically not mortal I was an exception. The Olympian gods raised me. My Dad died before I was born. My mother was always away. She had to oversee a lot for Olympus. I stayed on Olympus in Hermes spare room till I was fifteen." Rin said

"That"s when you meet Luke," Bruce said

"Yes, he was sixteen. He showed me around camp. He stayed in the Hermes cabin. I stayed in Posiden's cabin since my dad was a demigod and My mom was a titan." Rin said

"You never told us how you started dating," Annebeth said

"Are you sure I have time to It is a long story? " Rin asked

"Yes, we still have over two hours," Steve said

"Ok well, the night I arrived. I was claimed as Posiden's grandaughter and Grace's daughter. Luke at the time was dating Alexa Wilmore. Her nickname was Alex. Alexa was t daughter of Apollo.  She was seventeen a year older than Luke and two years older than me. When I was claimed Luke went up and congratulated me.  Alex did not like that. She was very protective of Luke she did not want him to have friends that were girls. Luke walked me back to my cabin and we talked for a while. Alex walked in on us talking that night and said 'How dare you try to steal my boyfriend.' Mr. D overheard this and he punished Alex . Made her clean out the stables by herself for a whole month. Chiron had Luke teach me how to use a sword. Chiron didn't know that I was Taught by Zeus how to sword fight." Rin said

"Is that how Luke got that scar that is an Infinity sign," Annebeth asked

"Yes, I gave that scar to him the first time we had a sword fight. Well on with the story. Alex was given a quest. Before she left they had a fight she said that she didn't want anything to do with him. After she was gone for a week we were sitting on the dock. We talked for a while. He walked me back to my cabin. I had hair on my face. He put it behind my ear. I kissed him. When Alex came back she had been gone for almost six weeks. The whole camp knew we were dating. We were having a camp gathering in the arena. She walked right up to him a kissed him. She said 'I missed you so much Lukey poo' I walked right to her and said 'don't you dare kiss my boyfriend again and I kissed him. She slapped me then I drew my sword. She drew hers Luke stepped in between us right as Alex swung her sword. It hit him in between the ribs. He dropped I dropped right beside him. I healed him. He woke up and he kissed me. Then Alex started yelling 'How dare you to cheat on me. How dare you date a murderer.' Chiron stopped her. He put her under cabin arrest. She never talked to us again until."Rin said

"Jockuly where she almost killed you. Where you whore that ridiculous outfit."Nico said

"Yep" Rin replied

"May I asked when you got engaged?" Thor said

"We got engaged when I was 17/18 and Luke was 18/19. We got married when I was twenty and he was twenty-one. We got married about a year after I gave birth to my twins." Rin said

"You gave birth to your twins right after the whole prophecy and Bianca and Zoe's death," Will said

"Yes, I named my daughter Bianca Zoe after" She pointed to Nico "after your sister and one of my friends. I named my son Luke Hermes after my husband because I thought he had died and my father-in-law because he was like a father to me. " Rin said

"You said you stayed in Hermes spare room. How many castles do you gods have?" Tony asked

"Three. We each have one on Olympus, one in the underworld, and One anywhere on earth. "Rin replied 

"Ok well, we are almost there. I should brief you on the mission." tony was cut off

"Ultron and the twins are there," Rin said

"How do you know that?"

"God powers," The demigods said in harmony.

"Yep" Rin replied

"Well, hulk will need to stay on the plane and the rest of us will take on Ultron,  " Tony said

Time Skip

They had landed behind Ultron. Ultron turned to them. "Hello Ultron, Wanda and Pietro" Rin said

"Ahh Rin the God of Death, Balance, and Ressurection," Ultron said

"How long did that take you to find?" Rin asked

"A long time. You are also the queen of the Nightmare realm am I correct." Ultron said

"Yes, you are I am the queen of the realm of the wicked otherwise known as the Nightmare realm," Rin said

"You became a god at eighteen after you stood up to Zeus," Ultron said

"Yeah, that's right," Rin replied

"Your father died before you were born and our mother was a titan. You had a half-sister that died." Ultron said

"How do you know all this?" Rin questioned

"Wanda id reading your mind." Ultron smiled

Mafic shot out of rin and surrounded her. "Your magic can get in my mind looks like I need a stronger shield. Rin suddenly started to see flashbacks of her life. Luke dying, Zeus torturing her, Her in battle, and Her friends dying. Strong magic shot out of Rin's body she was unconscious The magic was black it surrounded the ship everyone started to scream. Rin had projected her pain to the avengers, demigods, Ultron, and the twins. Her body lowered. Wanda teleported Ultron, Pietro, and herself away. 

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