Chapter 5

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Rin was dreaming. She and Luke were on Princess Andromeda. They were sitting at the back of the boat with their feet in the water. Rin's head was on Lukes's shoulder. He turned towards her he face was blue and dead. Rin woke up and Screamed bloody murder. 

All the Avengers and Demigods came running into her room. Rin was shaking. The demigods ran to her side. The Avengers stood at the end of the bed. Tony and Thor looked annoyed. Steve, Nat, and Clint looked worried. Rhodey, Hill, and Sam looked like they wanted to go back to sleep. 

"What on Earth did you scream for?"Tony asked

"Luke He was He was" Rin replied

"It's ok it was just a dream," Sam said

Rin used her magic to project her dream to all of their minds. They snapped out of the dream. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE US NIGHTMARES WE NEED SLEEP WE ARE AVENGERS AFTER ALL." Tony snapped

"I'm sorry did you have to watch the person you love die in your arms? Did you have to watch the person you love to die knowing they had a family? Did you have to watch the person you love die just because of a prophecy? Did you have to watch the person you love bathing in the River Styx? Did you have to watch the person you love turn into Kronos?" Rin paused she said too much. The Avengers looked at her. Percy pinched the bridge of the nose. Nico slapped his face. Will rolled his eyes. Annebeth sighed.

"Greek gods too great everyone to the living room we are having a meeting," Tony said. Everyone was sitting on the couches drinking coffee. "Explain Greek gods and Who you really are."

"I am Rin the God Killer. The God of Balance, Death, and Resurrection.One of the 15 olympian gods The rightful ruler of any kingdom. Grandaughter of Posidon. Daughter of the Titan Grace. A veteran of 2 wars. Slayer of Gods, Titain, Demigods, Mortals, Agrius, Oreius, Antaeu, Arachne, Arai, Argus, Basilisk, Carnivorous Sheep, Centaur, Cerberus, Charybdis, Caucasian Eagle, Chimera, Clazmonian Sow, Colchis Bull, Crommyonian Sow, Cyclops, Elder Cyclops, Northern Cyclops, Southern Cyclops, Cynocephali, Dracaenae, Dragon, Colchian Dragon, Medea's Sun Dragons, Drakon, Echidna, Eidolons, Empousa, Ephialtes, Erymanthian Boar, Ethiopian Sea Monster, Feather-Shooting Bird, Flesh-Eating Horses, The Furies, Alecto, Tisiphone, Megaera, Gegeines, Geryon, Giants, Hyperborean Giant, Laistrygonian Giants, Giant Badgers, Giant Crabs, Giant Eagles, Giant Scorpions, Giant Snakes, Gigantes, Gorgons, Euryale, Stheno, Wasps, Angers, Tempests, Gryphon, Harpies, Hekatonkheires, Briares, Cottus, Gyges, Hellhounds, Hippalektryon, Hippocampus, Hydra, Ichthyocentaurs, Kampê, Karpoi, Katobleps, Keres, Ladons, Lamias, Lycanthropes, Lycaons, Manticores, Minotaurs, Myrmekes, Nemean Lions, Ophiotaurus, Orthrus, Otis, Pandai, Pegasi, Peleus, Pit Scorpions, Satyrs, Scyllas, Scythian Dracanaes, Sea Serpents, Sirens,Skolopendras, Sphinxs, Stymphalian Birds, Telekhines, Trojan Sea Monsters,Typhons, Ventus , and Yales. Holder of the eternal flame and The sword called The Soul Snatcher." Rin said then paused and then spoke again "And the one true heir to the Tyrants Treasure. I have been bathed in the River Styx and Have survivor of  Tartarus. Lover of a son of Hermes. Mother of the twins Luke Ethan Castellan and Bianca Zoe Castellan."

Percy spoke next "I am Percy Jackson. Demigod. Son of Posiden, Survivor of Tartarus, River Styx, and Rin's rath. A veteran of 2 wars. Slayer of Medusa, Agrius, Oreius, Antaeu, Arachne, Arai, Argus, Basilisk, Carnivorous Sheep, Centaur, Cerberus, Charybdis, Caucasian Eagle, Chimera, Clazmonian Sow, Colchis Bull, Crommyonian Sow, Cyclops, Elder Cyclops, Northern Cyclops, Southern Cyclops, Cynocephali, Dracaenae, Dragon, Colchian Dragon, Medea's Sun Dragons, Drakon, Echidna, Eidolons, Empousa, Ephialtes, Erymanthian Boar, Ethiopian Sea Monster, Feather-Shooting Bird, Flesh-Eating Horses, The Furies, Alecto, Tisiphone, Megaera, Gegeines, Geryon, Giants, Hyperborean Giant, Laistrygonian Giants, Giant Badgers, Giant Crabs, Giant Eagles, Giant Scorpions, Giant Snakes, Gigantes, Gorgons, Euryale, Stheno, Wasps, Angers, Tempests, Gryphon, Harpies, Hekatonkheires, Briares, Cottus, Gyges, Hellhounds, Hippalektryon, Hippocampus, Hydra, Ichthyocentaurs, Kampê, Karpoi, Katobleps, Keres, Ladons, Lamias, Lycanthropes, Lycaons, Manticores, Minotaurs, Myrmekes, Nemean Lions, Ophiotaurus, Orthrus, Otis, Pandai, Pegasi, Peleus, Pit Scorpions, Satyrs, Scyllas, Scythian Dracanaes, Sea Serpents, Sirens,Skolopendras, Sphinxs, Stymphalian Birds, Telekhines, Trojan Sea Monsters,Typhons, Ventus , and Yales. ( Author Note: Some of those I might have gotten wrong Sorry) Denier of Imortality and Olipian god hood. Saver of Olympus and the world. Lover of a daughter of Athena and I am the King of Sass.  GodFather of Luke Ethan Castellan"

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