Chapter 3

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I now have an Ao3 account under the same username. Well here is the next chapter enjoy.

It was Ten o'clock at night. The demigods and Rin had gone to sleep.  The avengers were ready. Tony opened Rin's door. She was knocked out. Tony crept over to the bookshelf. He grabbed a book of the shelf. He went over to the wall of photos. 

Most of the pictures were of Rin with this blonde guy. Tony assumed that person was her husband. There were pictures from all around the world. Like Rome, Paris, London, Athens, Egypt, and many more places. 

Tony took out his phone and snapped a photo of the wall. Click!  uh/oh. Rin woke up and threw a dagger right at Tony.  It snagged his shirt he was stuck to the wall. Rin walked to him and said, "Why on earth are you in my room at this hour and why do you have one of my books." She snatched the book out of his hand and put it back on the shelf. 

She grabbed the dagger and Tony. She led him out to the common area. The demigods were out there with the rest of the avengers. "Why on earth were you guys in our room," Percy asked

"They were snooping," Steve answered

"let me guess you wanted to know what language our books were written in. Well, they're written in greek. And the pictures on the walls are of our friends. Now we are going back to bed." Rin said. The demigods and Rin walked back to their rooms. 


It had been a few weeks since the demigods had joined the Avengers. Their stuff was arriving today from camp. They had visited camp twice.  Also today the avengers were going to meet Rins kids.

Rin was laying in her bed. She had just woken up it was around six in the morning. She walked to the kitchen. There were probably around thirty boxes. Rin yelled, "OUR STUFF IS HERE GET IN HERE GUYS."

The avengers and demigods came running in here. Tony said, "I thought you only brought a little of your stuff."

"We did," Nico said

"Ok which boxes belong to who?" Clint asked  

"Let me," Rin said She held up her hands and channeled her magic the floated into three piles.

The Avengers were mute. This had been the first time Rin had used her powers.  Rin said "The pile on the left is Will and Nico's stuff. The Middle pile is my stuff and the left pile is Annebeths and Percy stuff." She lifted Nico and Wills stuff with her magic, walked to their room, and set down the boxes. "Nico, Will  Here is your stuff. Remember to be in the common area by nine." She walked back out to the common area (Kitchen, Living room, and dining room.) She lifted Annebeth's and Percy's stuff and walked to their room. "Here you guys go here is your stuff remember you need to be in the Common area by nine." She walked back to the Common area. 

The avenger barbed her with the question "When did you develop your powers?", "What exactly are your powers?", "How powerful are you?", "Is this why your wounds heal so quickly?"  and "Are your powers genetically modified or natural?"

"Frist, I developed my powers when I was five. I don't know the extent of my powers or what exactly my powers are. I am as powerful as a god. My wounds heal quickly because my genes adapted and last my powers have not been genetically modified. Also, my kids are coming at Nine with their uncle." Rin stated. 

Rin picked up her boxes and went to her room. She had ten boxes. Box one through five contained: Choltes and Shoes. Box Six contained: Photos. Box Seven and Eight contained: Armor and Weapons. Box Nine contained Drachma, Money, Lukes Jacket, and Wine. Box ten contained: Books and Toiletries. 

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