Chapter 7

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I tried my best with the Twins accent but it is not the best. I am going to start making all my chapters roughly 2000 words instead of 3000. This is a little short but the next one will be a lot Longer. I Fractured my thumb and have some muscle damage.  I might not update for a while.

They were at camp half-blood Rin still had not woken up. Wanda and Pietro were now on their side and Vision were created. They were in the med bay of Rin's castle. She was lying on the table Apollo was checking her vitals. The Avengers felt very uncomfortable being in a room with the most powerful gods in the universe.  Rin's kids came running into the room they went up to her Bianca was floating above the table using her magic. Luke was Flying above the table. 

Zeus spoke, "Well we don't need her so if she doesn't wake up it will be alright." 

Hermes, Luke, and Bianca all through knives towards him. "If she does not wake up the nightmare realm will start breaking down it would release Kronos, the titans, Geia, and many other terrible things. Do you want to deal with them again?" Apollo asked 

"No" Zeus muttered

"We thought so. Well moving on it seems that Rin passed out from feeling emotional pain. She should wake up in a day or two." Apollo said

"Great because we need her to take on Ultron," Tony said

"How did she become friends with a bunch of mortals?" Artimus asked

"She just did," Clint said

"Well, at least she is friends with a Norse god. Well, you are not a god because you are not immortal." Mr. D said

"HEY, I take offense in that statement," Thor said

"Yeah and what are you going to do You can't harm us. We can kill you." Hades said

"Yeah, you could well anyway can someone show us around this place?" Thor asked

"We can?" Percy and Annebeth said

"We will be in our mother's lab," Luke and Bianca said as they left the room.

"We will go supervise the Twins." Nico and Will said

"We do not need to be supervised." Pietro and Wanda said

"Not you Twins. Rin's Twins." Nico said

"Oh, that makes more sense," Pietro said

"Ya think," Tony said

"Well on with the tour," Percy said as he left the room. The Avengers followed. Nico and Will left after them.

All that remained in the room were the sixteen olympian gods. Fifteen hulled around the unconscious sixteenth. "What on earth did that girl show her to make her go into a coma," Hera asked

"It was probably her being touched and Lukes's death," Hestia said

"Yeah, she has been through a lot," Demeter said

"Most of her pain," Persephone said

"Has come from Us," Ares said

The Greek Gods Looked at Apollo and Zeus. 

"and She has the power to kill us," Hephaestus said

"but she doesn't," Aphrodite says

"Well, if she was going to kill anyone she would kill," Dionysus said

"Zeus," Hermes said

"Yep," Athena says

"She wouldn't kill me," Zeus says

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