Option One • Meta Analysis

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The Meta Analysis option is the Original Wayfarer's Lamppost critique option. It is designed for people seeking reader engagement comments, not an edit and not a beta read. 

Each week, the reader will do the following:

Tag it with #Wayfarers on the first line by itself.

• Be kind.

• Provide at least 5 reader engagement comments using the meta analysis emojis or tags (listed below) using in-line comments plus a phrase indicating why they chose that emoji/tag.

• Answer the Comment Topic question with at least 5 coherent sentences. (Sometimes the CT is for each chapter, other times it is for all the chapters assigned that particular week.)

• Provide 5 sentences of General Comments at the end of each chapter regarding any topic they wish as long as it pertains to the story.

• After a book is completed, the member will comment on character arcs and plot progression across the entire book.

• After a book is completed, the member will comment on character arcs and plot progression across the entire book

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META ANALYSIS (Each chapter, in-line comments, at least 5 per chapter):

👍 or THUMBS UP—Elaborate why you think so. (at least one time each chapter [1 MANDATORY per chapter])

or NEEDS CAFFEINE—Elaborate why you think improvement is needed. (at least one time each chapter [1 MANDATORY per chapter])

💓 or HEART RACING (feeling excitement)—Elaborate what in particular caused this emotion. [OPTIONAL]

😥 or TEARS (crying or feeling very emotional)—Elaborate what in particular caused this emotion. [OPTIONAL]

or HEART (love something, more than a thumbs up)—Elaborate what in particular caused this emotion. [OPTIONAL]

😵 or CONFUSED (don't understand something)—Elaborate what in particular caused this emotion. [OPTIONAL]

😂 or LAUGHING (made you laugh)—Elaborate what in particular caused this emotion. [OPTIONAL]

GENERAL COMMENTS: Remember that these are supposed to be reader engagement comments. Comment on characterization if it was well-done. Did a plot twist get you? Did something pull you out of the story? Most of all, if you're enjoying it, say so and say why. Refrain from giving editing advice, including grammar, phrasing, and story elements.

COMMENT TOPIC questions: Look for whether you need to answer the question for every chapter or over the group of chapters for the week. If you honestly cannot find something to say to improve in the area of the comment topic, then praise what was done well in that area. Either way, provide specific examples.

• Focus your comments on the chapter, not on the author. (Zero-tolerance harassment policy)

• Ignore grammar, punctuation, and phrasing. The purpose of the meta analysis is not to provide a copy edit but reader engagement feedback. 

• Character arc reviews. Once you finish the entire book, take the main three characters and comment on the character arc for each one. Focus on a different character each week. Indicate what works. Give suggestions for improvement if necessary. Minimum length: 10 sentences each character.

• Plot progression review. At the very end, after the three character arc reviews, write a review on the plot progression across the entire story. Is there a definite climax? Does it build believably? Are there plot holes? Does the plot hold your attention? Was it a page-turner? Minimum length: 10 sentences.

• Finished? Once you have finished your partner's book, PM WayfarersLamppost. Indicate the following:

► Whether your partner has finished your book or not

► Whether you want to stay with current partner (provided she agrees and has another book for you to review) or would like a new partner or would like a hiatus

► If requesting a new partner, which book do you want reviewed: same one or a different one?

► If staying with your partner, what is the new book you want reviewed? How many chapters? Which chapters, if any, are over 3,000 words?

NOTE: Because every book differs in size, one partner may finish the review process earlier than the other partner. There may be lag time between finishing the review of one book and receiving your new assignment. We will try to assign the chapters in a ratio where both partners should finish about the same time.

Recommended (but not mandatory)

• Greet your partner. Read their profile. Authors, make sure you have something about yourself in your profile, even if it is just a favorite rhyme.

• Continue to interact throughout the review process. One of the goals of this club is to create dialogue between authors to increase the pleasure we receive from writing.

Feel free to DM SapphireAlena or AmericanBruja with any questions you may have.

Wayfarer's Lamppost Book Club • Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now