Prologue - February 17, 1999

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"About time you gave up on trying to sleep," Theo said as Hermione slipped past him and into her usual seat on the window in the head's dorm. "Thought you had actually done it tonight."

Hermione motioned to the cigarette he was smoking and rolled it between her fingers before answering. "I did too. Then I was dreaming about being back in the woods and Harry wasn't there when I woke up. So now I'm here."

"So the same nightmare then?" He asked and Hermione nodded in agreement, taking a drag before she passed the cigarette back. "Alright well let's see. We've covered parents, childhood memories, what's your favourite flavor of ice cream?"

Hermione laughed a feeling that felt unfamiliar after a night terror like she just had. "It's my turn to pick tonight's topic."

Questions, like the one Theo, had just asked, had been a part of their nightly routine as insomniacs. They'd try to sleep for a few, give up, and meet to share a cigarette at the same window each night. They had started taking turns getting to know the other, one night at a time.

"Yes, but you always pick the heavy shite and you need something light. So favourite ice cream flavor?"

She sighed and motioned back for the cigarette. "Strawberry. You?"

"Of course you'd pick something basic and almost healthy. I'm more of a rocky road guy myself." They sat in silence for a few minutes, just relishing in the other's company before Theo broke the silence. "Want to go curl up on the couch? It's colder than Merlin's bollocks out here."

She nodded and vanished the cigarette before jumping down from the windowsill. Theo had already made his way to the sofa, arm outstretched and waiting for her. She sunk beside him, and he wrapped her into his chest, pulling a blanket over them both. "Sweet dreams, Granger."

He knew the only way she'd sleep is next to someone else. When her eyes fluttered shut, he stroked her hair, vowing to be the one she could use for whatever she needed. 

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