Chapter Nine

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A/N hiiiii guys. Sooooo basically I had chapters 9,10,11 written AND edited and wattpad decided its a shit dick and deleted them all. I remember sorta the direction I was heading but im pissed cos i was super happy with them but hopefully you guys still give a shit about this story. Im gonna stfu now and let you guys read. btw follow me on twitter for question shit and stuff. ok @sexinthestyles

<><><><><><>                                     Krysta's POV 

I trailed behind harry anxiously as we were walking down the long corridor, to wherever he was taking me. He was humming loud enough to where I could hear him. The song sounding familiar but I couldn't pin point exactly what it was. Before I was too invested into my thoughts I noticed Harry opening a door to what seemed like a typical lounge room but fancier. I didn't really know what to do but stand like I didn't know what to do. Harry grabbed a banana and sat down on the love seat, then looked at me. "uh Krysta, You can sit down you know". "yea right, I'm sorry". I replied faintly. "I mean you can stand if you want but I thought, being the generous man I am you the lovely lady you are would be more comfortable sitting". He replied with a smirk whilst peeling his banana.  I went over to harry and sat down next to him trying to hard to not stare at him or make it obvious how i was admiring his features. wow. First I sit here and cry over some stupid boy I just met and now I'm here gazing over another boy I just met. My problem is I think to much so I'm going to stop. "So this is my biggest question and I've been thinking about it for awhile".. I looked at him praying he wouldn't ask something I would have no idea how to answer. "How did you get backstage, just to cry?" "Or do you work here and was just having a bad day?, Because if so then I am sorry and stupid, not for uh talking to you but for assuming you were someone that somehow got backstage." "Ill stop" he says laughing a little. "Well actually harry I do work here and I'm offended that you just automatically think I'm some psycho fan that snuck back stage." I looked him blank in the face. His expression was defiantly readable. He looked astonished and embarrassed. "Um, uh Krysta I didn't mean... I don't think you......" "Harry I'm completely shitting you right now." I burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. "Harry if you could see your face right now, you'd be laughing along with me". "Krysta I'm sorry to do this too you". I die down my laughter a little and look to him "What" "You just... Your really in for a tickle attack". "Harry don't you dare". I look at him sternly. "I..I cant contain it any longer, Its just coming out." He stands looking at him doing these weird hulk movements. "Harry I swear too go...." Then he pounces quickly onto the couch and I start to not be able to breathe due to the laughing and tickling. He gets closer and closer to me, continuously tickling I'd be completely lying to myself If i said i didn't enjoy this. "What the fuck is going on here?" I heard an all too familiar deep voice I didn't think i'd be hearing anytime soon. Harry gets off of me and slouches again, this time leaving his arm draped over my shoulder. "Hey Ashton, are you guys off already?" harry asks smiling. I sit there awkwardly hoping Ashton won't say anything, also knowing he won't because god forbid people know we were friends. "yea were off. Whose your little friend here?" he asks looking at me like he despises me more then moldy cheese. "This is Krysta" Harry says getting up "found her backstage not in the best shape, then we just talked. But whatever guy made her feel the way she did, shit what an asshole, You don't deserve that". Harry says "Good thing all the guys here know how to treat a woman right, Including my buddy Ash here." harry says putting his arm around Ashton and squeezing him. "yea". Ashton said. I mentally scoffed, If harry only knew that ashton was the culprit of my crying earlier. "Well since you guys are off, I should probably go see Lou and get my self stage ready, are the other boys back there already?" harry asks "Yea, they're waiting for you mate" Ashton replies sounding a lot calmer now. "Well Krysta I defiantly need your number, and you can either stay back here or go watch the show, Im pretty sure Ashton wouldn't mind keeping you company, he loves people!" Yeah he loves to yell at people i thought to myself. "okay Ill probably just go, I have to go find my friend anyway".  I said gathering my jacket "alright, well I gotta go, I'll defiantly text you Krysta" Harry said smiling wide as he left the room. As I was grabbed my jacket from the couch ashton took my hand and spun me to face him "Krysta you better not have told him anything, I mean it. This is my fault I should have watched you leave, and made sure your big mouth said nothing". Ashton said sitting down on the couch putting his face in his hands. I scoffed looking at him with no pity "I didn't tell harry anything, he found me upset and helped me. Its not always about you get over yourself". "Why were you upset?" I was debating if i should tell him or not. he doesnt care anyway "my cat died". "You dont have a cat" Ashton said "You stayed in the garage you wouldnt know. Now if you dont mind im leaving now. I say opening up the door and just as I walk out ashton says "Krysta, Just make sure harry knows nothing". I sigh feeling that lump in my throat coming back like deja vu, tears prickling to come out. "Wouldnt want to waste my breath." I replied leaving the room. 


OKAY hi so like i said at the top wattpad deleted some stuff, im trying my best to rewrite! I will defiantly update soon this story isnt over dont worry!!!!

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