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Aruna was saints gift to this earth

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Aruna was saints gift to this earth.

She was the embodiment of pure kindness, no one in the Little Palace or Grand Palace could say a single bad thing about Aruna.

She jumped at every opportunity to help anyone, just out of the kindness in her heart. She was a rare gem, not just because of her pure and kind heart but from the unique colour of her kefta.

The black kefta with silver embroidery that shined blue in sunlight was unique to her.

No one could even find it in their heart to hate her for it. They tried, but she was just too kind, The Darkling himself tried to talk her into a full black kefta, but she settled for a silver and a black one, purely because she didn't want others to be jealous.

The Grisha protected their little moon summoner with their life, she was like a little sister to most, to the little Grisha she was a kind and caring mother figure, others she was the object of their affection.

One of these people was the Darkling himself, after all the moon needs the dark to shine.

But will the sun shine brighter?

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