chapter 16 - burnt rugs

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No matter the chaos happening in the world, the grisha classrooms always remained the same.

The calm collection of plants and books and the distinct smell of scorched rugs remained the same. So many hours were spent encouraging teachers to instruct Aruna to read and write, never once discriminating against her for her lack of prior education.

So it should be no surprise that Aruna loved coming back and helping the grisha kids, specifically the ones like her.

The cases of being stolen or sold for the grisha finder fee, the cases where children arrived in scraps of fabric with enough lice in their hair. Enough lice in their hair that Aruna instantly volunteers, bonding and comforting the child over the many hours spent over the child's head.

The aching back and hairs were worth seeing another chubby face break out into a smile every time she entered a room.

While Aruna's beauty and ethereal presence was enough for her to light up a room, her actions and kindness were true results from her efforts to never let a child feel how she felt, never feel alone.

And since Aleksander came along she didn't feel so alone. She loved all her friends but everyone had someone else, Genya had David to pine over and Feydor had Ivan. Aruna wanted a home, and she found one in Aleksander.

And every little action of picking flowers for her and being there after a panic attack made her believe that Aleksander was there for her.

That he felt as much that true comfort and support that she did.

When she would massage his back after a long day or go into the kitchen and ask to back him so of his favourite pastries. Aruna thought she was his home.

Now she wasn't so sure, her home felt empty, abandoned even.

She didn't think it was a conscious abandonment, definitely not. Aleksander had assured her the night of Alina's arrival that he did not view Alina like that, and she trusted him.

Yet there was no more spontaneous picnics, no more wildflowers hand picked from the ground, because Aleksander understood that picking flowers on the steam in their prime beauty was wasteful, he understood.

Now there was an empty vase on her vanity table taunting her, letting her insecurities rise.

She didn't want to be demanding and annoying. She understood that Aleksander had a tough and important job and that things were only more stressful because of the sun summoner.

That's why she didn't question it when Aleksander was rarely in her bed anymore, a simple kiss on the check in the morning and a 'sorry I was too tired from the work to make it to your chambers' were spoken.

She didn't know when Aleksander started to be able to sleep without her.




Her mothers words seemed to never leave her mind nowadays. Every corner where Aleksander had quite literally swept her off her feet and into to kiss her now seemed desolate.

Maybe their, or more likely her love wasn't destine for the great romances, to be turned into poems and sonnets. Dramatic retellings, plays and ballets would perform their everlasting love.

Now it seemed more like a story written in a lovesick young woman's diary, a puppy love.

One of the grandchildren finds it in a basement and realizes how pathetic their grandma sounded about her love.

The classroom was unusually quiet, no children in sight only a woman with a kind bruised heart that seemed to be slowly breaking, a heart break not even the best heart render could save, reminiscing on the comforting smell of burnt rugs, unable to smell home on her pillows anymore.

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Guys I am torn, I kinda want Aleksander to cheat because I am a whore for the men grovelling stage. However at the same time I could never forgive cheating. So should Aleksander cheat, kiss or like flirt with Alina (even though that's still cheating). 

Do we want a new love interest for Aruna if Aleksander cheats?

Idk what to do at this point with the story. lol, if you have ideas where you want this to go, comment it. 

Thanks, author

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