1: Going Home

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I won't let anything interfere. This is my year, and I'm going to make the best of it. No more distractions. No more boys, I told myself strictly.

"Zelle!" A warm voice called up the stairs. Mrs. Trelawney. "Come eat before we need to catch the train!" I smoothed my grey pleated skirt down, straightening my knee socks. Mrs. Trelawney wasn't exactly my adoptive mother, but I'd lived with her for as long as I can remember. Living with my true relatives would be far too dangerous, yet she gracefully took me in when I was a baby.

She had whipped up some porridge, which I ate while watching our cats play on the floor.

"Are you excited?" She asked me, interrupting my wandering mind.

"Yeah, of course. But only one more year of calling you 'professor'!" I laughed, and she did too. "But in all honesty, this is my year," I announced.

"No more Draco nonsense?" She replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Never again".

Mrs. Trelawny waved her wand, clearing up the dishes, and preparing to apparate to Hogwarts. I'd see her within hours, as I would be taking the train, as tradition required.

As she dissaparated with a swish of her thick overcoat, I prepared to take the portkey to Hogwarts. I looked around the small house, rugs thrown askew and books placed in the most odd places. My home. I stood in the middle of it all, noticing that the cats had gone along with Mrs. T, and the place looked quite clean. I packed my last belongings, including a dress that I'd picked out over the summer, which I was quite excited to wear, hoping there would be a ball. I laced on my Doc Martens and placed my hand to the portkey made from an old slipper.

I felt my stomach suck in as the portkey apparated me to Platform 9 and 3/4. I inhaled and felt overjoyed by the students and magical folk around me. Our home was quite isolated, and I had missed friendly interaction throughout the summer.

And not so friendly interaction as well. My eye caught the eye of a certain someone.

My gut dropped.


A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoy my book :). Chapters get longer after this- I promise! Happy reading <3

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