28: A New Mantra

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Snow fell crisp and cold, crunching beneath students' boots as everyone braced the cold December weather. Riss and I had started to decorate our dormitory for Christmas, and our immense collections of winter sweaters grew larger and larger every day.

I stood in our room, straightening our clothes and cleaning up a little. I smiled to myself as I realized that with Christmas drawing so near, midterm exams would be upon us.

Professor McGonagall had been helping me prepare to pass Applicable Transfiguration every day. The class consisted of five people, and we worked around the clock to pass our exams. As I was going to be graduating with a transferred specialty in Transfiguration, I had to work harder than most students to catch up on the time I'd lost in the first few months.

I liked it. It was working for me.

My door burst open as my two best friends in the whole world, as in love as they could be, burst in.

"Jack, get out! I need to change!" Riss yelped, shoving Jack out the door. "He put a snowball down my coat," she informed me.

Jack looked at her smugly and pulled out a small ball of snow from his pocket.

"I swear to Merlin, Jack, if that snowball winds up in my room," I warned, straightening up my desk as well.


The snowball missed Riss and landed directly on our wall.

I turned to Jack slowly, a mixture of half frustration and half laughter across my face.

"Scourgify!" He yelped, cleaning up his mess and running back down the stairs to the boys' dormitory. 

Riss rolled over her bed and changed into dry clothes. She smiled at me, and I could see the pure joy in her eyes.


"Perfect for you," I finished my sentence.

Riss smiled again. All she seemed to do was smile these days, and I was here for it. Seeing her and Jack happy made me happy.

"How do you feel today?" She asked me. A question that started to become a habit for us.

"Productive," I replied, grabbing the rest of my scrolls and quill. "I'm heading to McGonagall's classroom for some more prep work."

She waved me goodbye, and I started my walk to the Transfiguration room. 

McGonagall had been nothing but helpful and kind when I had requested to switch to Applicable Transfiguration so late in the year, but I had promised to study hard. I had told her she wouldn't regret it, and she'd taken my word for it.

I had a one-on-one study session with her, and being late was not part of the plan.

I arrived, knocking on the door, which swiftly opened. She was seated at a desk with some study materials in front of her and a few insects in jars.

"Good afternoon, Professor," I greeted her. I quite enjoyed my time with her. I always seemed to learn something new.

"Hello, Zelle. You brought your extra assignments, correct?" She asked.

I set my extra homework in her outstretched hand, and she nodded approvingly.

"Today, we will start with triple transfiguration," she said.

I eyeballed the caterpillar in front of me.

"I will call out the next animal in the set of transfiguration, and you will have fifteen seconds to transfigure it. Understood?"

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