15: Draco's Plan

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Today was me and Riss' day off. Dumbledore had made it clear that we were not to attend classes and take the day off for ourselves, to reconnect with each other, or whatever. This was something I'd never have expected my father to say, and I'm sure Riss' babbling had instilled some new vocabulary in him.

We had woken up equally excited, ready to adventure out and explore Hogsmeade's dress shops.

Riss was ready at the crack of dawn, and she pulled me out of bed. "I've been waiting till you woke up to get a dress, Zelle," she said, although it sounded like she was scolding me.

"You're making it sound like it's my fault I was in a coma for two weeks," I joked grumpily, pulling on my shiny Doc Martens.

Riss laughed. "Hurry up!" All of Hogwarts must have their dresses and dress robes ready to gp by now."

"Are you matching with Draco?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I'm going to find something green," she stated. "His dress robes are Slytherin green."

"You're going to wear Slytherin green?" I asked, my brows furrowing. Why's she wearing his house colors now? I thought this was just a dance. Now she's wearing her house colors?

I shook the thought off. Today was about Riss and I.

We walked downstairs. It was six in the morning, and we were the only students up and around in the halls. Filch waited near the exit of Hogwarts and entrance of Hogsmeade. Most people hated him, but he was always nice to Riss and I.

"Good morning, ladies," he nodded his greasy head.

"Hello, Filch," we chorused.

"Enjoy yourselves, now," he said. "The Three Broomsticks is open for breakfast, in case you're hungry."

Filch was right, we should probably get something to eat.

"Thank you," Riss said, pulling my hand through the door.

The streets of Hogsmeade were barren, and the Three Broomsticks was the only shop that was open. I wondered why we had gotten here so early in the morning, when, suddenly, Riss pulled me into an alleyway I had never seen before, and peered around the corners, making sure no one was listening in.

"Riss? What is this?" I asked.

"Listen. There's something I need to tell you."

"Aren't we here for dresses?" I asked, not wanting to hear anything Draco-related.

"Never in a million years would I go out with your ex boyfriend. And I know what he did to you," Riss said, her voice shaking. "I'm going out with him because he threatened to do the same to me if I didn't go with him to the ball. And I know what it sounds like, because no, he didn't threaten me just because he wanted a date. He's trying to get closer to you."

"Riss, slow down," I said, her words whirring in my head.

"He threatened to turn me into a Death Eater," she whispered. "If I didn't go to the dance with him. He told me all about what he did to you. I'm so sorry, Zelle," she said, tears pouring down her face. "I was so ignorant, you were dealing with so much..."

"It's okay, Riss. I understand. Do you know why he's trying to get closer to me?" I asked her. I started to feel bile in my stomach.

"Something about-" her voice dropped even lower. "You-know-who wanting to find out something about your dad."

"My dad? I never knew my dad," I said automatically, the answer I'd been giving since I could talk to anyone who asked. "I've lived with Mrs. T all my life."

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