Taken, But Meeting Someone New

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Curtis gritted his teeth, the female in front of him was a lot more tempting than she realized. Her soft spoken words and compliments were whittling down his restraint, and the fact that she was so different from the entitled females he had the displeasure of meeting intrigued him.

Almost without realizing it he had started to move closer to her, as if it was an instinct. He touched her soft skin and wondered if it tasted as delicious as it looked. He wanted to lick the droplets of sweat on her forehead, she clearly wasn't used to this environment and he wanted to play the part of the villain, keeping her locked in his cave where no other males could ever hope to see her.

This whole experience was completely new for him, snake beasts were seen as wild and savage, this was the first chance he had to speak to a female face to face rather than observing them. As soon as he'd seen her, he knew he wanted her. Her eyes that looked at him with awe, her soft skin and gentle touch. He wanted to keep both her beautiful appearance and personality under his control. His long tail slowly moved until it was behind her, Mei noticing nothing as she responded enthusiastically to one of his questions.

Quickly, he wrapped her up in the coils of his tail, much like he does to his prey, however his grip was gentle. He loved the feeling of her soft skin on his scales, but now wasn't the time to relish in that, he had to leave before the village nearby discovered his presence. Most importantly, he had to leave before he gained any competition for the heart of the sweet female captured by him.

He turned his attention back to the female trapped in his tail and moved the coils down so her torso was no longer covered.

"What are you doing?" She asked after realizing her mouth was no longer covered. Her body struggled within his coils, trying to escape, and a smile appeared on his face as he enjoyed the contact they shared.

"Apologies darling, you just looked so tempting there, so...vulnerable. I couldn't possibly let another male look at you," The pet-name quickly sprung to mind after he saw her (he heard a beast-man calling his female that) and finally used the fitting name.

Mei noticed the predatory flash in his eyes not like he wanted to eat her, well, maybe eat her in different way...

She stopped her struggle in his grip after realizing it was doing nothing and instead reached out to inspect his tail.

Curtis shivered as he felt her hands move on him, examining the sharp, shiny scales on his tail.

"How pretty.." she said to herself, the shimmering scales distracting her from the situation she was in for a moment.

He immediately plucked a scale out of his tail, much like you would to a strand of hair, and handed it to her.

"Here, since you like them" he said as he handed one to her.

His coils seemed to loosen as his guard went down, Mei took notice of this, but also didn't feel an urgency to run away. For some reason, she didn't think he would ever harm her intentionally, it was almost like there was a connection between the two of them.

"Oh- you didn't have to, did it hurt you?" She asked worriedly, checking the spot he plucked the scale from.

"..hurt? I'm used to feeling pain, it's not a problem, this is like a pinch," Curtis replied back, not seeing a single problem with it.

"You dummy! Don't hurt yourself for my or anyone else's sake, care more about your own life," she scolded, feeling concern even though they'd only known each other for a while, but her heart was telling her to care.

Curtis felt his heart beating at a thunderous pace, no one had ever cared if he was hurt. Since birth he had been in a fight against his siblings to survive after their mother left them to fend for themselves. Even after struggling for the majority of his life and finally living well, everyone was afraid of him because of his species and ranking and ran away. How could a beast-man with 4 markings feel pain? "Snakes are cold-blooded and cold-hearted, there's no way he would make a good mate" he remembered overhearing from a female talking to her friend after he attempted to court her and was rejected.

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