Meeting Bai Qing Qing

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Recap: Mei smiles with glee, and the trio spend the rest of the morning chatting peacefully before they set off on their journey once again.

Surprisingly, the trio's journey is smooth as they venture through the forest, residing in caves for a night before setting off again. But change must come, for it's a catalyst of all things, both good and bad. 

One day, a week or two after Mei and her males had originally set off, and after they'd left the forest and entered a new area, Mei was pulled behind Curtis abruptly before he and Milo climbed onto a tree for cover.

"What's going on?" Mei began to question, but soon, she heard something that answered her question.

The noise was a light rustling at first, and she grasped that Milo and Curtis must have picked up the sound earlier with their superior senses. The sound quickly grew, the sound of twigs snapping and leaves rustling as they were jostled into the air by the creature running through the forest. She shrinks into Curtis' embrace, trying to hide her presence more, and his arms wrap around her reassuringly.

Soon, Mei watches as a leopard runs past, chasing after what appears to be a pheasant.

They wait a few minutes until the leopard vanishes, still staying in the trees in case it comes running back, but now they can speak without fear of alerting the leopard.

"I thought we were pretty close to a village, this just confirms it," Curtis says to Mei, Milo nods, agreeing with the snake beast-man.

Curiosity fills her eyes as she ponders the idea of a village in this world, what would the buildings look like? What kind of technology and tools have they invented?

Milo catches the look in her eyes and exchanges a glance with Curtis before turning back to Mei.

"If you'd like to, we can go through the village and you can see what it's like, the beast city we're heading to will be similar, just on a much larger scale with many varieties of beastmen." He suggests.

"Can we? If it's an inconvenience for you two then I'm perfectly fine with continuing on our current path, but I have to admit that I want to see what this village is like,"

"Of course we can, in fact, it's all thanks to you that we can go, our feral status was removed ever since you received our marks, dear," Curtis adds, showing love and appreciation for his female through his expression. And despite his seemingly expressionless face, those who know him well can clearly see his emotions thanks to his eyes and the positioning of his eyebrows, which show everything.

With that, the three make their way to the leopard village, entering from what appears to be the east side of the village. Eyes quickly turn to the unusual trio, consisting of some gazes that are lustful towards the beautiful female, some that are curious, and some that are condescending. Whispers also ring out, filling the previously lively air with a hint of intrigue. Some males look like they'd like to approach, but upon seeing Curtis and Milo's stripes and their glare, they quickly give up any of their previous lustful thoughts.

Soon, Mei's attention is caught by one of the females in the village, her hair is in a short bob and her nose is slightly upturned. It wasn't because of her appearance that Mei noticed her, but because of the female's unpleasant voice as she mocks another female who seems pretty, but appears to have her face covered in mud.

Her curiosity gets the best of her, and she motions for her males to stop moving forward so they can watch. 

"Parker, where did you find this filthy female?" the unpleasant voice demands.

"I'm the one who picked her up, she's my female so you better back off!" the leopard carrying the dirtied girl on his back responds before beginning to move away.

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