A New Outfit! And... Mating?!

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Recap: "Sounds like a plan then, darling! We'll head out once we've packed up our things." Milo says.

And so, the trio set off at a leisurely pace. Mei often walking for a while before either of her males carry her simply because they want to hold her. She feels much more comfortable with them after spending more time together, and blushes as she realizes she wouldn't mind mating with them now.

With that thought in her mind, her face, the tips of her ears, and her neck turn pink, and she buries her face in Curtis's neck. Although he looks curious at first, he simply smiles and drops the topic after spotting her red ears.

The trip continues smoothly, them setting up camps in abandoned caves (or ones they bully the previous animals out of), and feeding Mei snacks along the way while Curtis and Milo simply eat 1 big meal every couple of days. Curtis seems a bit more lethargic than when they first met, but Mei just assumes that it's the trip taking a toll on him.

Eventually, when a week or so has passed and they're a few days away from a town, Curtis whispers something to Milo. In response Milo nods and begins sectioning off an area of the cave for Curtis with his silk creating a barricade of sorts.

"Milo? Curtis? What's happening?" She asks, curious and concerned about the situation at hand.

Curtis looks like he wants to respond, but his eyes droop and he begins to shift into his full-snake form.

"Don't worry about him, darling, he's just shedding, such an over dramatic reptile," Milo explains.

Hearing that response, Curtis lets out a hiss in Milo's direction, but doesn't attempt to attack him.

Recognition flashes on Mei's mind, and she remembers learning that soaking in warm water can help snakes shed their skin faster.

"Milo, would you mind going with me to the river to fetch some water?"

"Of course not, let's go~" Milo responds, excited for the opportunity to spend some one on one time with his female.

When the water is brought back to the cave, Mei's lips are visibly more red and swollen, and she tentatively brushes over them with the tips of her fingers. When Milo sees this a smile creeps up on his face.

"Wanting more?" He asks, poking his tongue out at her teasingly.

Mei freezes for a moment before laughing lightly and pushing his face away. She starts with lighting a fire, then setting the makeshift pot they brought with them on their journey, with the water inside of it over the fire to heat it.

"What are you heating the water for?" The spider asks, his eight large eyes blinking curiously in her direction.

She smiles, "I remember hearing that soaking in warm water can help snakes shed faster."

Milo looks surprised for a few moments that the water's for Curtis before he remembers everything else his female has done for Curtis and him, and a smile once again blossoms on his face as he bestows a kiss on the top of her head.

When the water has finished warming up to an acceptable temperature, Mei has Milo bring it over to Curtis while she grabs a small fur to use as a towel.

"Curtis? Is it okay if I help you shed?" She asks tentatively, trying to talk quietly so as to not disturb him.

His snake eyes open halfway, looking tired, and he nods slightly before resting his head back on the cave ground.

Mei works patiently and carefully, soaking the fur and then holding it to an area of Curtis's skin so it can soften. A few more trips to fetch water are made by Milo, and then the water is heated again and the process is repeated, but eventually, Curtis has successfully been soaked.

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