[Chapter 3] - A Bone-Rattling Riot

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name


(Author's POV)

Frisk: Do you have any idea how embarrassed I was?

(Y/N): Uhh, yes?

Frisk: Then why did you do it?!

(Y/N): (playfully rolls eyes, then ruffles Frisk's hair) I was joking g around Frisk. You don't always gotta take what I say so seriously.

Frisk pouts, but then smiles at you. You both couldn't help but laugh it out while walking through Snowdin.

(scene break)

The duo walked through Snowdin and talked amongst the locals. They were all nice and got to know you and Frisk. Considering you both were the only humans after a while, it was reasonable of why they're so curious about you two.

In anycase, after a worthwhile of smiles and chats, the two humans were sauntering down a snowy pathway, giving small chats and getting to know each other.

Until an unsettling fog sets in...

(Y/N): Jeez... I can't see a damn thing up ahead.

Frisk gently grabs onto your arm, which you didn't mind. A tall lanky shadow then appeared up ahead. That person was blocking your only path ahead, which was kinda annoying. However, that tall figure was Papyrus, who had his signature smile, who was waiting for you two.

Papyrus: Humans...

(Y/N): Yo. What up Papyrus?

Frisk: (waves happily) Hi Papyrus! What are you doing out in the cold? You should go back inside so you won't get sick!

Tatsumatsu: ...Can skeletons even get sick?

(Y/N): (shrugs)

Papyrus: You're right... Maybe I shoul- Wait... No, I must tell you both something very important.

He sighs quietly before continuing.

Papyrus: Please let me express to you two about some complex feelings. Feelings like... The joy of finding other pasta lover, the admiration for another's puzzle-solving skills, and the desire to have a cool, smart, person think you're cool. (points to Frisk) Somehow, I feel like you're an old friend, despite never meeting you before!

(Y/N): An "old friend"...?

Papyrus: Yeah! I don't think I remember you though, no offense.

(Y/N): None taken.

Papyrus: But there's something about you, Frisk, that I can't place my boney hand on. Something tells me we met somewhere before!

Tatsumatsu: Something's... Off. It's as if-

(Y/N)'s Thoughts: He actually DID meet Frisk before. Remember what Sans said?

(quick flashback)

(Y/N): A combination of being shy and scared. This is probably all new to her.

Sans: (mutters) "New"... Right...

You raised your eyebrow from that comment, but you decided not to question him about it.

(back to the present)

(Y/N)'s Thoughts: Maybe this isn't Frisk's first run... Maybe this is-

Papyrus shakes his head and began speaking, interrupting your conversation with Tats.

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