[Chapter 5] - Insert Run Meme Here

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(T/N) - Twin's Name


(Author's POV)

Monster Kid: So, what did you do to get her attention?

Frisk: W-Well...

(Y/N): Maybe it's just the fact we're new around here.

Monster Kid: Oh of course! Since you two must be newcomers, Undyne has to make a good first impression! You both are so lucky to have her attention.

(Y/N): Hehe... Yeah.

Monster Kid: Now c'mon! Let's go and watch her beat up some bad guys!

He then runs up ahead, possibly to catch up to Undyne. You two just laughed at the kid's enthusiasm.

(Y/N): At least he won't hurt us.

Frisk: Yeah. (giggles)

So the duo smiled and continued forward into the dimly lit caves. A certain Flower, however, was listening into the conversation, with a look of disgust on it's face.

Flowey: Jeez... I just wanna throw up at how nice they're being.

He sighs to himself, being both annoyed and frustrated at the same time.

Flowey: Well... I'm pretty sure that fish lady should give that boy quite a challenge...

(Y/N) smiled innocently at Frisk as they placed some bridge seeds into the water, creating a platform to walk on. However, a worried expression appeared on Flowey's face.

Flowey: But he didn't even break a sweat when he battled smiley trashbag though... Then what the hell could she do? UGH! Thinking about everything is making my head hurt. I'll just let the events play out, and I'll see what happens.

The yellow petaled flower then slips away unseen, to which the camera cuts back to Frisk talking into the phone with Papyrus. It was on speaker so you were able to talk to Papyrus as well.

(Y/N): How did you get Frisk's number?

Papyrus: It was kinda simple actually! I just pressed every single combination of numbers until it eventually rang hers!

(Y/N): I'm surprised you didn't rang my number by now.

Tatsumatsu: Probably because your number doesn't work in this universe dude.

Frisk: Did you need something from me, Papyrus?

Papyrus: Ah right! Umm... A friend was nearby and she wants know what you're wearing.

Tatsumatsu: Ah so Undyne is already trying to track us down. Shouldn't be too surprised, but not much of a problem for our otherworldly protag here.

(Y/N): Right... And when you said "you're", are you talking about me or Frisk?

Papyrus: Uhh... I guess both of you.

Frisk: Well we're both wearing the same thing the last time we saw you. I'm wearing the blue and purple striped shirt with brown shoes.

(Y/N): And I'm wearing my light gray jacket with blue skinny jeans.

Papyrus: Right, well I'll tell her to keep an eye out for you two! N-Nyeh heh... U-Umm... I'll see you two later!

(scene break)

After encountering many Woshua's and Aaron's, both you and Frisk stepped off a moving platform that led to a wooden dock. It was barely lit though, and it was kinda hard to see.

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