PART 5: "We're going to Japan!"

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---One day at Rocky's office.

Staff 1: Ms R, JVP wants to see you.

Rocky: What's up?

Staff 1: His secretary did not mention anything.

Rocky: (grabs stuff) Alright, thanks.

---Matthew's office. Rocky knocks and enters, but Matthew is on the phone with someone. He just gestured to Rocky to come in. After his call.

Rocky: Good morning, sir. (smiles)

Matthew: Morning. Have a seat please.

---They both sat on the couch facing each other.

Matthew: Well, you must've heard about our collaboration with Activision for the limited edition gaming furniture pieces we're releasing.

Rocky: Yes sir, I got the memo this morning.

Matthew: The head of marketing suggested we just sign up with the company's affiliate production house for our promotion just to have everything in one place. Besides, our Takashipom line ads will be produced by the same house anyway. So (exhales sharply) I hope it's not too much to ask but...I'd like you to spearhead the production for both projects. I mean, you're the head of those projects anyway, so might as well supervise the shoot and make sure that their set passes your standards.

Rocky: Um, sure sir, no problem. I'll be there throughout the production.

Matthew: Activision line will be shot in their studio. And for the Takashipom line, it's approximately a 3-day production on field with the models.

Rocky: Got it sir. (smiles)

Matthew: In Japan.

Rocky: (surprised)(stammers) Japan?

Matthew: (nods) That's in three weeks time. The marketing team will just provide you with your flight details.

Rocky: Um...okay sir.

Matthew: Good. Thank you, that would be all. (smiles)

---Rocky excused herself. But before she closed the door.

Matthew: Ah...Rocky.

Rocky: (turns around) Yes sir?

Matthew: (sighs) How are you? I don't exactly know what happened the other week but...I hope you're feeling better now.

Rocky: Oh um...(smiles) yes, I'm feeling better now sir. And thank you so much by the way, I heard from the team that you rushed me to the hospital that day.

Matthew: No problem. I'm sorry I wasn't able to visit again though.

Rocky: No worries, sir.

Matthew: Okay, I won't keep you any longer. Thanks for your time.

Rocky: Thank you too, sir.

---That night at the loft, while they're having dinner.

Max: Cool! I'm handling that project so I guess I'll see you there.

Rocky: (gasps) Really?! God I was really hoping you'd be there! (hugs Max)

Yeo: (scoffs) You're so used to traveling around on your own for work. Why do you seem so nervous this time?

Rocky: Well...I don't know. I never handled a project this huge so I guess it just relieves me so much that I know the people I'm gonna work with.

Yeo: Sis, you're so good at your job. Come on, for once just be proud of what you can do.

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