PART 6: "Please don't tell me you're having cold feet."

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---He hugged her tight. AG is the only child and has very few friends. Aside from his six brothers, he's thankful to finally have a little sister in Rocky. And they arrive at their hotel in Tokyo. While they're checking in, they can hear the four newcomers from the lobby - with Syd.

AG: (sighs) I can hear Blake's voice from here.

---And they heard him laugh so hard. Max and Rocky laughed.

Yeo: (saw them) Oh they're here. (Waves at them) Hey guys!

---Rocky shrieks and runs to Yeo to give him a hug.

AG: Look at her. It's like she hasn't seen them for ages.

Max: Well, isn't she sweet? (smiles)


Yeo: (carries her) Hey you! How'd the project go? (puts her down)

Rocky: (gestures) Grand! (winks and clicks tongue) Hey you guys. (hugs Blake) How's your flight?

Blake: Thank goodness it's smooth. (smiles)

Rocky: Cool! (hugs Taylor and Rain) Ready for Tokyo?

Taylor and Rain: Yeah!

---The others greeted AG and Max.

Rocky: Hey you. (smiles)

Syd: Hey. (pulls her closer) Were you that lovely lady from the shoot in Osaka yesterday? (chuckles)

Rocky: I believe I am. (chuckles and gives him a smooch)

Syd: (hugs her) Ah, finally! Some time off.

---They're only staying for two nights in the hotel and they're moving to a villa in Kyoto and then back to Osaka so the rest would see it. Besides, the three are just there for work so they didn't really get the chance to go around. They got three rooms. So since the four of them already stayed for a night, they were thinking if the four others could just stay in one room. They have the biggest one anyway. In Room A were: Rain and Taylor; Room B: Yeo and Blake; and Room C: Syd, Rocky, Max and AG. (MUSIC SCORE: TOKYO - OWL CITY & SEKAI NO OWARI) And so they're all off to see Tokyo. They grabbed some brunch first in a cafe and the trio who met Takashima gave Blake their autographed photo. Blake is so hyped. Now he wanted to go to his exhibit. They agreed to go to places they all wanted to see as a group and visit specific places they wanted to check out in solo or in smaller groups. AG and Max are their official photographers. They went to shop on their first day. They won't be back in Tokyo for long so they decided to go shopping on the first day. Blake and Taylor are big on clothes so they went to check some clothes together; Yeo and Rain joined the couple since they both asked Rocky to pick out some stuff for Jo and Sophie; Max and AG are so into gadgets so they went together to check out some cameras and music consoles. The next day, they went to Disneyland. They had so much fun like they're kids - well except for Blake, AG, Syd and Rain when it comes to extreme rides. They're such scaredy cats. The others were laughing at them the whole time. Syd was hoping that Rocky would be on his side, but she's the very first one to make fun of him. While everyone's taking a break, Rocky and Syd are just sitting on one bench, enjoying their coffee.

Rain: Hey guys. Um, Rock, 'you mind if I borrow Syd for a sec? I just need his opinion on something. (smiles)

Rocky: (pushes Syd) Oh please take him, he's all yours. (chuckles)

Syd: (scoffs and acts annoyed) Why you little brat! (normal tone) See you later. (gives her a smooch)

Rocky: (laughs) See you.

---And so she's left alone. She's just looking at the crowd when she sees Blake and AG walking together. And then AG excused himself to get a phone call. Blake is just standing there, looking around when a cute kid around 5 tripped in front of him and cried. Rocky would've ran to get the kid, but Blake immediately helped the kid and checked if he got hurt. Then the kid's balloon flew up to the sky so he cried more. And then the kid's parents came rushing and thanked Blake. But before they went, Blake bought another balloon and tied it to the kid's hand. They ended up giving each other a high five. Then they waved each other goodbye. Rocky's so touched, but then she noticed how the smile on Blake's face faded after saying goodbye to the kid. He found Rocky by the bench, smiling at him. And so he joined her.

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