The Job

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R: Elsa Hurry Up or you'll be Later My Best Friend Rupanzle Yelled at me in her sick voice i walked out of my room wearing a black Pencile Skirt & a Light blue blouse with My hair in a bun & i also had on light make-up.

E: So How Do I look too much

R: No, You Look Great Elsa but arn't you forgetting something

E: What She pointed down to my feet & i looked down & I forgot my shoes i grunted & ran back into my room & got My Black Heels & i walked out

E: Jeez i'm going to be late

R: Elsa Calm down it's only 7:55

E: Yeah i know but i have to be there at 8:30 & it's a 27 min Drive to there

R: you see you hav time don't worry everything is going to be ok Elsa

E: I hope so what if it's an old perv

R: Elsa, stop worrying

E: *Giggles* Ok i'll see you in a bit Punz

R: Bye Elsa

I walked out of my houset & headed to my light blue Honda & started driving to my new job i was nerves & sweaty i started to think what if i messed up or say something stupied to my new boss. I turned on the radio & the weekend sonn came on i love this song from him ( THE WEEKEND - EARNED IT). I Finally got there i looked up & the building was huge & i mean huge so i walked in it was beautiful all the walls were dark blue & has almost like frost designs on it.

I Got into the Elevator & press number 30 the last floor i just hope my new boss isn't a perv because i don't want to end up quiteing on the first day of my new job.


The sound of the elevator snapped me out of my thought the doors opened so i walked out of the elevator. I looked around it the whole place was beautiful just like the main floor but this floor had white floors with black snowflakes on it.


I Looked up & i see a red hair girl with blue eyes & wearing a navy blue pencil skirt & a white shirt. She had a huge smile on her face & i smiled back at her

E: Yeah i'm Elsa, Elsa Arendelle

AR: I'm Ariel King nice to met you

E: Yeah You too

AR: Ready to met your new boss

E: Y-Yeah I am

AR: Good, follow me

E: Ok

I followed Ariel to where ever my boss's office is at i was getting even more nerves when were getting closer i felt that my heart was about to fall out of my chest. When we go there Ariel turned around & looked at me

AR: Sit down here & I'll be right back i'm going to tell Mr.Frost that your here

E: Ok Then

Once she left the girls looked at me with wired looks at me i just sat there not even making eye contact with them, Hurry up Ariel i don't want to be here with these girls who might eat me alive. Then i heard some heels from my left side i looked up & it was Ariel who had a smile on her face.

AR: Mr.Frost will see you now

I nodded at her so i stood up up & started walking twords the giants doors, Ariel opened the doors so i walked in i started looking around the Office & it was huge. It was blue & it had huge Window's that you can see entire new york form here then my eyes landed at the man standing right in front of me with his hands in his pockets looking out of the window.

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