All A Dream

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J: Elsa Run *Grunts*

E: N-No I can't leave you

J: I'll Be Fine Now Run

E: I Can't Jack

JA: Well It makes it easier for me

J: GO NOW *Grunts*

I got up & tried to run keyword "Tried" to but failed fuck these heels why did i decided to wear them, Jake grabbed me from my shirt & pulled me that i crashed into his chest. He had a tight grip on my arms i looked up at him & he had the cheshire cat smirk on his face, I started to struggle to get away from his grip but i couldn't so my second chose was to step on his foot & I did.

JA: Ahhh You Bitch 

He let me go so i ran for my life When i ran around the corner i crashed into someone & i heard that so familiar laugh that made me shake in fear. When i looked up & saw those yellow eyes, Grey-ish skin & Jet Black Hair sleeked back yeah i thought he was gone forever again but i was wrong it's

E: P-Pitch 

P: *Chuckles* Surprise to see Me Deary 

I looked at him in fear then i started to make a run for it but he was to fast, He caught my arm & slammed me into  the wall hard. Whats with people & slamming me onto the wall, I can hear him laughing evilly but i had my eyes closed & i can feel his hot breath on my face. I started to cry because it felt like i was a little kid again & there was no one here to help me.

P: Poor little Elsa so Weak & no one hear to help you 

E: L-Let m-me go *Crys* 

P: Is Little Elsa Crying, Well you won't be crying when i'm done with you 

E: No *Sobs*

P: Oh Yes, We're going to have a little Fun 


I started screaming then he covered my mouth with his cold alien like hand I started to cry even more & prayed that someone finds me, He started to pull me down the hall until my slow ass came up with a new idea to bite down on his hand & i know i'm going to need a bunch of mouth wash & brush my teeth with bleach.

E: *Spit* HELP ME 


He knocked me on my head pretty hard that my vision started to get blurry right before i was about to pass out i heard someone say...

" No Why don't You"

That's when i went into darkness, I kept hearing someone talking to me for me to wake up. Their voices sounded so sad & broken that's when i heard the word princess that my elder sister use to call us when we were kids. I hear beeping sounds like a heart monitor wait why is there a heart monitor 

" Wake Up Princess, Come on everyone is waiting for You"

That's when all those memories of my Sister back at home & the event that just happened. I woke up gasping for air & my eyes snapped open so fast, My vision was blurry at first then it started to adjust but all i see is white, everything was white.

E: *GASP,Breaths Heavily*

"Elsa, Your Wake"

I turned to the voice that was talking to me & i see who it was, It was Jack's Sister





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