05| the fight story

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Chapter 41: Old Wounds, New Beginnings

Today's story is a wild one, so buckle up. First, let me tell you a bit about my complicated history with Emma. We used to be friends a long time ago, but things changed when she started being mean to me for no reason. I remember one day in particular when she pushed me off a slide at the playground, leaving me with a badly scraped knee. Ever since that day, we've been enemies. I never understood why she turned on me, but one thing we both agree on is that we can't stand each other.

Chapter 42: Grounded Again

I woke up feeling like today might actually be a good day. After brushing my hair, taking a shower, and getting dressed in a black long-sleeve shirt and skinny jeans, I headed downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning, everyone!" I said, hoping my cheerful mood would rub off.

"Good morning," my mom and brothers replied in unison. I knew I was still grounded from the events of the past week, but I decided to test the waters. "So, am I still grounded?" I asked hopefully.

"I'll think about it," my mom said, smiling slightly. "Okay, no rush. Love you!" I replied, trying to stay on her good side.

I couldn't help but feel it was unfair that I was the only one grounded. After all, my brothers had been at the party too. "Why didn't the boys get grounded?" I asked in Spanish, hoping to make my point.

"Because it was your party," Eddie responded in Spanish as well.

"Yeah, but you guys were there too," I protested, switching back to English.

"But I said I trusted you," my mom said, reminding me that I was supposed to be responsible.

Before I could argue further, Matthew chimed in with a bombshell: "Oh yeah, Mom, did you know Lilly talk to Lorenzo when she wasn't supposed to?"

"Shut up, Matthew!" I snapped, mortified. "What the hell is wrong with you."

My mom didn't seem too fazed by this revelation. "Eat your breakfast and get ready for school," she said, clearly uninterested in continuing the conversation.

Chapter 43: The Ride to School

I quickly finished my breakfast and headed out. My mom told me the boys would take me to school, but I asked if I could ride with Lorenzo instead. Surprisingly, she agreed.

The car ride was incredibly awkward. I hadn't expected Andrew to be riding with us too, and being sandwiched between Lorenzo and his brother was not how I envisioned starting my day. Both of them tried to put their arms around me, which made the situation even more uncomfortable.

"Guys, can you both stop?" I finally said, exasperated.

Their butler, Martin, intervened, "Both of you, get off her."

Reluctantly, they both withdrew, but the tension was still thick. When we arrived at school, they practically fought over who would open the car door for me. "Guys, I can open the door myself. Calm down," I insisted.

Chapter 44: The Confrontation

As soon as I stepped out of the car, I was greeted by Emma, who wasted no time in slinging insults. "Well, if it isn't the queen of sluts," she sneered.

I was ready for her. "You're calling me a slut when you look like one with that outfit?" I shot back.

"At least I know how to dress better than you," she retorted. "I don't look like trash all the time."

"Yeah, because you try to dress like me sometimes," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Wow, you're such a copycat. Are you like five or something?" I added, pushing her buttons.

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