16| I love you story/kidnap story

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Chapter 101: "A Heart's Dilemma"

It's funny how life can feel like a whirlwind, spinning you around until you're not sure which way is up. That's exactly how I've felt for the past few weeks. My heart has been tugged in two different directions, and for a while, I thought I could manage it, that I could navigate my way through the storm. But the truth is, I've been lying to myself. I know that now.

When I first met Andrew, he was everything I thought I wanted. He was kind, understanding, and had this mysterious aura about him that drew me in like a moth to a flame. After everything that happened with Lorenzo—the arguments, the uncertainty—I thought Andrew was a fresh start. He made me feel safe, like I could forget all the chaos that Lorenzo and I had been through. But now, after everything, I'm not so sure anymore.

Don't get me wrong, Andrew is wonderful. Our time together has been great. He's shown me that I deserve to be treated well, that I deserve happiness. But there's something about Lorenzo that I can't shake. Even when we were apart, even when he was with Charlotte, I couldn't help but think about him. It's like he's permanently etched into my heart, no matter how much I tried to move on.

The other night with Andrew was nice—more than nice, actually. We went out to dinner, and for a moment, I thought I could see a future with him. But when I got home, when I was alone in my room, all I could think about was Lorenzo. It didn't matter how hard I tried to convince myself otherwise; my heart knew what it wanted.

And that's what scares me the most.

I've been so caught up in trying to make the right choice that I didn't realize I was running in circles. Andrew is everything I could ask for in a partner, but he isn't Lorenzo. He doesn't have that fire, that spark that Lorenzo ignites in me. It's not fair to keep stringing Andrew along, hoping that maybe, just maybe, my feelings

It's not fair to keep stringing Andrew along, hoping that maybe, just maybe, my feelings for Lorenzo will fade away. The truth is, they haven't. They're as strong as ever, and it's tearing me apart because I know I have to make a choice. I can't keep living in this limbo, pretending that everything is fine when it's not.

I sat on my bed, the silence of my room pressing in on me. I knew what I had to do, even if it meant breaking someone's heart, including my own. I had to talk to Andrew and tell him the truth. But first, I needed to figure out how to face Lorenzo. How could I tell him that, after all this time, after everything, he's still the one I want?

The thought alone was terrifying. What if he didn't feel the same way? What if he was truly happy with Charlotte? But I couldn't keep living in the shadows of "what ifs." I needed to know, and I needed to be honest with both Andrew and Lorenzo.

Chapter 102: The Conversation with Andrew

I met up with Andrew later that day, asking him to meet me at the park where we had first met. It felt fitting, in a bittersweet way, to bring things full circle.

When he arrived, I could see the hope in his eyes, the way he looked at me like I was the only thing that mattered in his world. It made what I had to do even harder. But I couldn't back out now.

"Andrew, we need to talk," I started, my voice trembling. He frowned, sensing the seriousness of my tone.

"What's wrong, Lily?" he asked, concern lacing his words.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. "Andrew, you've been amazing to me. You've been everything I could have asked for, and I'm so grateful for that. But... I can't keep pretending that my heart isn't still with someone else."

His face fell, the hope in his eyes dimming as realization dawned on him. "You're still in love with Lorenzo, aren't you?"

I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. "I'm so sorry, Andrew. I tried to move on, to start fresh with you, but I can't stop thinking about him. It's not fair to you, and it's not fair to me either. You deserve someone who can give you their whole heart, and right now, that's not me."

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