15 - We find a tunnel. I want to go home

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Here's the thing about falling through floorboards made of rotten wood - it's not as fun as it looks in the movies. See, the wood is kind of smelly and it gets smellier when the inner part of it exposed when the lamination gets weak or it breaks. Plus there'll be miserable little splinters that will end up poking and scratching you. Now you know why Ron (Weasly) looks so miserable all the time. Also, my hair was a total mess. I landed on the floor, in a heap, with a loud thump.

My flashlight gave my knee a good whack before tumbling down onto the floor. I had ended up making a hole in the floor, a hole that looked like it was two metres above me. A groan escaped my lips. My mother would be so proud; she'd finally have an excuse to renovate the garage.

Anaesthesia calmly saying, "I told you so!" in my ear didn't help. I was stuck in a hole, literally. I held up the flashlight a little higher.

"I would have to jump to grab the edge of the hole. What are the chances of me hitting the floor boards instead?"

"You want to get out?" Anaesthesia asked incredulously, because random holes in the floor were really fun places to be.

"Yes." I didn't want to find out where the tunnel behind me led to.

"Do you think the floor boards might give away again?"

"Anthony! This is the only part that leads to this place. There is a tunnel behind you, WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU?"

"That we should get out of here," I said, in all seriousness,"Fast." 

Anaesthesia let out a frustrated yelp and called me something that sounded a lot like a peabrainded android or something. Her insults were so amazing (Sarcasm hand raised)

Talking toys, dark, uninviting tunnels, rotten floor boards, excessive dust and screaming girls - my life really was a horror movie. I jumped up as high as I could; got hold of an edge of the hole but the wood broke off - and I landed, this time on my feet, with a fist full of bits of wood and splinters. Anaesthesia almost fell out of my pocket. I took out my cell phone and tried to call grandma. She didn't pick up. The tunnel stared back at me, for a moment it looked like an eye, a bright round ball of light twinkling far away from the end of the circular dark tunnel.

Then, Anaesthesia started speaking again so I got all too annoyed to see things that weren't here. "... there is a light at the end. Your grandmother kidnaps little children."


"No, my grandmother," I said a patiently as I could, "has got nothing to so with this."

"Then what are you afraid of, moron? Walk into it." "I can't" "Why? Because you're.."

"I refuse to squeeze into that small hole. Besides, Trac is waiting for us, upstairs" To be frank, I just wanted to annoy her.

"But, its right there. There's a light at the end. Most guys would just go in."

"No they wouldn't. Light at the end..hmm.. Hey are you a redhead?" I smiled, not moving an inch closet to the tunnel, "You're probably the kind that dyed it black to be ironic."

For one blissful second, Anaesthesia was completely silent.


So, I picked her up and kneeled down and held up her at the mouth of the tunnel. "You sure? If you're too far away from me, you can't move." "

I'll be fine." She said indignantly before muttering curses under her breath.

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