18 - Captured

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"If you're done admiring the floor, we, I mean I've got something to show you that'll change your mind about all of this." 

"About splitting me? No way." I glanced up at the little doll.

She smiled, " Yes." And then she winked. Magical or not action figures were not made for winking. I wanted to point that out but I wasn't in the mood.

"Let's show him the transfer room."

"We just captured him. It would be too early. We have to cleanse his mind first. "

“Nahh, I already did that.”

I glared at the little doll. What the hell is this? I’m guessing cleanse meant brainwash.

Splitting souls; sounded like something out of a bad science friction cartoon. I followed them, half walking, half shoved by tin people.  Transfer room. Teleportation. Heck.

I’d really-

Anaesthesia swung open two wide doors open to reveal a freaky looking laboratory. It looked like a hospital operation table. Except this table looked like a modern torture device. It had a strange looking mat on it that glowed with matrix patterns. There a headrest attached to a large tube connected to what looked like an ancient computer. Several wires, neatly taped to the floor, connected to a medium sized round table with a clear plastic dome on top.

The closer we got to all of … that , mini-Anaesthesia (Thumbelina) started blinking rapidly. I think she was trying to wink. Human Anaesthesia started babbling about the oh-so-great-master and running her hands up and down the panels of buttons. Her outfit really didn’t help the image. I looked at Thumbelina, sitting one panel, winking. Really now.

I raised an eyebrow at her and gave her one of dad’s I’ll-kill-you glare and turned away. She sighed loudly and called out to the crazy girl fawning over the medieval looking machine.

“Let’s dismiss the tin men for now. I think he won’t try to escape anymore.” I held back a scoff. Yeah. Right. I was definitely getting out of here and getting back at that Richard. I mean look at what crazy girl here was wearing; only Richard would do something so twisted.

Stupidly, human Anaesthesia  (crazy girl) nodded her head in agreement. The tin men went away – not before shoving me a little bit. Not even emoticons could fully express what I was feeling at the moment.

“Don’t struggle just yet, I’ve got a plan.”  I had no idea when Thumbelina had come up behind my ears.

Oh. “Yeah?”

“When I say “Pre-start;” Anaesthesia will come close enough to you to activate the bed, then you flip her over and put her on the table. Then, press the A873 button beside you and then press the “initiate” button. After that,” She looked up to check where Anaesthesia was, she was pressing the blank wall, opening up another portal and guiding the tin me.

She continued, “After that, key in the code, 21-1-14-4-15-23.”

“Repeat that. That’s damn long. Hey, why did Anaesthesia just leave?”

“PANDORA in numbers. She’s gone to get the key.”

“I thought she knew everything you knew. What’s up with that now?”


Anaesthesia came back with a thin wooden box. She took out a flat glowing disc out of it and placed it in a slot in the medieval machine.

“Karate skills remember.” Thumbelina whispered.

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